German Credit Hierarchical Logistic Distribution

class pints.toy.GermanCreditHierarchicalLogPDF(x=None, y=None, download=False)[source]

Toy distribution based on a hierarchical logistic regression model, which takes the form,

\[f(z, y|\beta) \propto \text{exp}(-\sum_{i=1}^{N} \text{log}(1 + \text{exp}(-y_i z_i.\beta)) - \beta.\beta/2\sigma^2 - N/2 \text{log }\sigma^2 - \lambda \sigma^2)\]

The data \((z, y)\) are a matrix of individual predictors (with 1s in the first column) and responses (1 if the individual should receive credit and -1 if not) respectively; \(\beta\) is a 325x1 vector of coefficients and \(N=1000\); \(z\) is the design matrix formed by creating all interactions between individual variables and themselves as defined in [2].

Extends pints.LogPDF.

Parameters:theta (float) – vector of coefficients of length 326 (first dimension is sigma; other entries make up beta)


[1]“UCI machine learning repository”, 2010. A. Frank and A. Asuncion.
[2]“The No-U-Turn Sampler: Adaptively Setting Path Lengths in Hamiltonian Monte Carlo”, 2014, M.D. Hoffman and A. Gelman.

Returns data used to fit model: x, y and z.


Calculates a measure of distance from samples to some characteristic of the underlying distribution.


See LogPDF.evaluateS1().


Returns the dimension of the space this LogPDF is defined over.


Generates independent samples from the underlying distribution.


See ToyLogPDF.suggested_bounds().