
The classes below all implement the ProblemLogLikelihood interface, and can calculate a log-likelihood based on some time-series Problem and an assumed noise model.


logpdf = pints.GaussianLogLikelihood(problem)
x = [1, 2, 3]
fx = logpdf(x)


class pints.AR1LogLikelihood(problem)[source]

Calculates a log-likelihood assuming AR(1) (autoregressive order 1) errors.

In this error model, the ith error term \(\epsilon_i = x_i - f_i(\theta)\) is assumed to obey the following relationship.

\[\epsilon_i = \rho \epsilon_{i-1} + \nu_i\]

where \(\nu_i\) is IID Gaussian white noise with variance \(\sigma^2 (1-\rho^2)\). Therefore, this likelihood is appropriate when error terms are autocorrelated, and the parameter \(\rho\) determines the level of autocorrelation.

This model is parameterised as such because it leads to a simple marginal distribution \(\epsilon_i \sim N(0, \sigma)\).

This class treats the error at the first time point (i=1) as fixed, which simplifies the calculations. For sufficiently long time-series, this conditioning on the first observation has at most a small effect on the likelihood. Further details as well as the alternative unconditional likelihood are available in [1] , chapter 5.2.

Noting that

\[\nu_i = \epsilon_i - \rho \epsilon_{i-1} \sim N(0, \sigma^2 (1-\rho^2))\]

we thus calculate the likelihood as the product of normal likelihoods from \(i=2,...,N\), for a time series with N time points.

\[L(\theta, \sigma, \rho|\boldsymbol{x}) = -\frac{N-1}{2} \log(2\pi) - (N-1) \log(\sigma') - \frac{1}{2\sigma'^2} \sum_{i=2}^N (\epsilon_i - \rho \epsilon_{i-1})^2\]

for \(\sigma' = \sigma \sqrt{1-\rho^2}\).

Extends ProblemLogLikelihood.

Parameters:problem – A SingleOutputProblem or MultiOutputProblem. For a single-output problem two parameters are added (rho, sigma), for a multi-output problem 2 * n_outputs parameters are added.


[1]Hamilton, James D. Time series analysis. Vol. 2. New Jersey: Princeton, 1994.

Evaluates this LogPDF, and returns the result plus the partial derivatives of the result with respect to the parameters.

The returned data is a tuple (L, L') where L is a scalar value and L' is a sequence of length n_parameters.

Note that the derivative returned is of the log-pdf, so L' = d/dp log(f(p)), evaluated at p=x.

This is an optional method that is not always implemented.


See LogPDF.n_parameters().

class pints.ARMA11LogLikelihood(problem)[source]

Calculates a log-likelihood assuming ARMA(1,1) errors.

The ARMA(1,1) model has 1 autoregressive term and 1 moving average term. It assumes that the errors \(\epsilon_i = x_i - f_i(\theta)\) obey

\[\epsilon_i = \rho \epsilon_{i-1} + \nu_i + \phi \nu_{i-1}\]

where \(\nu_i\) is IID Gaussian white noise with standard deviation \(\sigma'\).

\[\sigma' = \sigma \sqrt{\frac{1 - \rho^2}{1 + 2 \phi \rho + \phi^2}}\]

This model is parameterised as such because it leads to a simple marginal distribution \(\epsilon_i \sim N(0, \sigma)\).

Due to the complexity of the exact ARMA(1,1) likelihood, this class calculates a likelihood conditioned on initial values. This topic is discussed further in [2] , chapter 5.6. Thus, for a time series defined at points \(i=1,...,N\), summation begins at \(i=3\), and the conditional log-likelihood is

\[L(\theta, \sigma, \rho, \phi|\boldsymbol{x}) = -\frac{N-2}{2} \log(2\pi) - (N-2) \log(\sigma') - \frac{1}{2\sigma'^2} \sum_{i=3}^N (\nu_i)^2\]

where the values of \(\nu_i\) are calculated from the observations according to

\[\nu_i = \epsilon_i - \rho \epsilon_{i-1} - \phi (\epsilon_{i-1} - \rho \epsilon_{i-2})\]

Extends ProblemLogLikelihood.

Parameters:problem – A SingleOutputProblem or MultiOutputProblem. For a single-output problem three parameters are added (rho, phi, sigma), for a multi-output problem 3 * n_outputs parameters are added.


[2]Hamilton, James D. Time series analysis. Vol. 2. New Jersey: Princeton, 1994.

Evaluates this LogPDF, and returns the result plus the partial derivatives of the result with respect to the parameters.

The returned data is a tuple (L, L') where L is a scalar value and L' is a sequence of length n_parameters.

Note that the derivative returned is of the log-pdf, so L' = d/dp log(f(p)), evaluated at p=x.

This is an optional method that is not always implemented.


See LogPDF.n_parameters().

class pints.CauchyLogLikelihood(problem)[source]

Calculates a log-likelihood assuming independent Cauchy-distributed noise at each time point, and adds one parameter: the scale (sigma).

For a noise characterised by sigma, the log-likelihood is of the form:

\[\log{L(\theta, \sigma)} = -N\log \pi - N\log \sigma -\sum_{i=1}^N\log(1 + \frac{x_i - f(\theta)}{\sigma}^2)\]

Extends ProblemLogLikelihood.

Parameters:problem – A SingleOutputProblem or MultiOutputProblem. For a single-output problem one parameter is added sigma, where sigma is scale, for a multi-output problem n_outputs parameters are added.

Evaluates this LogPDF, and returns the result plus the partial derivatives of the result with respect to the parameters.

The returned data is a tuple (L, L') where L is a scalar value and L' is a sequence of length n_parameters.

Note that the derivative returned is of the log-pdf, so L' = d/dp log(f(p)), evaluated at p=x.

This is an optional method that is not always implemented.


See LogPDF.n_parameters().

class pints.ConstantAndMultiplicativeGaussianLogLikelihood(problem)[source]

Calculates the log-likelihood assuming a mixed error model of a Gaussian base-level noise and a Gaussian heteroscedastic noise.

For a time series model \(f(t| \theta)\) with parameters \(\theta\) , the ConstantAndMultiplicativeGaussianLogLikelihood assumes that the model predictions \(X\) are Gaussian distributed according to

\[X(t| \theta , \sigma _{\text{base}}, \sigma _{\text{rel}}) = f(t| \theta) + (\sigma _{\text{base}} + \sigma _{\text{rel}} f(t| \theta)^\eta ) \, \epsilon ,\]

where \(\epsilon\) is a i.i.d. standard Gaussian random variable

\[\epsilon \sim \mathcal{N}(0, 1).\]

For each output in the problem, this likelihood introduces three new scalar parameters: a base-level scale \(\sigma _{\text{base}}\); an exponential power \(\eta\); and a scale relative to the model output \(\sigma _{\text{rel}}\).

The resulting log-likelihood of a constant and multiplicative Gaussian error model is

\[\log L(\theta, \sigma _{\text{base}}, \eta , \sigma _{\text{rel}} | X^{\text{obs}}) = -\frac{n_t}{2} \log 2 \pi -\sum_{i=1}^{n_t}\log \sigma _{\text{tot}, i} - \sum_{i=1}^{n_t} \frac{(X^{\text{obs}}_i - f(t_i| \theta))^2} {2\sigma ^2_{\text{tot}, i}},\]

where \(n_t\) is the number of measured time points in the time series, \(X^{\text{obs}}_i\) is the observation at time point \(t_i\), and \(\sigma _{\text{tot}, i}=\sigma _{\text{base}} +\sigma _{\text{rel}} f(t_i| \theta)^\eta\) is the total standard deviation of the error at time \(t_i\).

For a system with \(n_o\) outputs, this becomes

\[\log L(\theta, \sigma _{\text{base}}, \eta , \sigma _{\text{rel}} | X^{\text{obs}}) = -\frac{n_tn_o}{2} \log 2 \pi -\sum_{j=1}^{n_0}\sum_{i=1}^{n_t}\log \sigma _{\text{tot}, ij} - \sum_{j=1}^{n_0}\sum_{i=1}^{n_t} \frac{(X^{\text{obs}}_{ij} - f_j(t_i| \theta))^2} {2\sigma ^2_{\text{tot}, ij}},\]

where \(n_o\) is the number of outputs of the model, \(X^{\text{obs}}_{ij}\) is the observation at time point \(t_i\) of output \(j\), and \(\sigma _{\text{tot}, ij}=\sigma _{\text{base}, j} + \sigma _{\text{rel}, j}f_j(t_i| \theta)^{\eta _j}\) is the total standard deviation of the error at time \(t_i\) of output \(j\).

Extends ProblemLogLikelihood.

Parameters:problem – A SingleOutputProblem or MultiOutputProblem. For a single-output problem three parameters are added (\(\sigma _{\text{base}}\), \(\eta\), \(\sigma _{\text{rel}}\)), for a multi-output problem \(3n_o\) parameters are added (\(\sigma _{\text{base},1},\ldots , \sigma _{\text{base},n_o}, \eta _1,\ldots , \eta _{n_o}, \sigma _{\text{rel},1}, \ldots , \sigma _{\text{rel},n_o})\).

See LogPDF.evaluateS1().

The partial derivatives of the log-likelihood w.r.t. the model parameters are

\[\begin{split}\frac{\partial \log L}{\partial \theta _k} =& -\sum_{i,j}\sigma _{\text{rel},j}\eta _j\frac{ f_j(t_i| \theta)^{\eta _j-1}} {\sigma _{\text{tot}, ij}} \frac{\partial f_j(t_i| \theta)}{\partial \theta _k} + \sum_{i,j} \frac{X^{\text{obs}}_{ij} - f_j(t_i| \theta)} {\sigma ^2_{\text{tot}, ij}} \frac{\partial f_j(t_i| \theta)}{\partial \theta _k} \\ &+\sum_{i,j}\sigma _{\text{rel},j}\eta _j \frac{(X^{\text{obs}}_{ij} - f_j(t_i| \theta))^2} {\sigma ^3_{\text{tot}, ij}}f_j(t_i| \theta)^{\eta _j-1} \frac{\partial f_j(t_i| \theta)}{\partial \theta _k} \\ \frac{\partial \log L}{\partial \sigma _{\text{base}, j}} =& -\sum ^{n_t}_{i=1}\frac{1}{\sigma _{\text{tot}, ij}} +\sum ^{n_t}_{i=1} \frac{(X^{\text{obs}}_{ij} - f_j(t_i| \theta))^2} {\sigma ^3_{\text{tot}, ij}} \\ \frac{\partial \log L}{\partial \eta _j} =& -\sigma _{\text{rel},j}\eta _j\sum ^{n_t}_{i=1} \frac{f_j(t_i| \theta)^{\eta _j}\log f_j(t_i| \theta)} {\sigma _{\text{tot}, ij}} + \sigma _{\text{rel},j}\eta _j \sum ^{n_t}_{i=1} \frac{(X^{\text{obs}}_{ij} - f_j(t_i| \theta))^2} {\sigma ^3_{\text{tot}, ij}}f_j(t_i| \theta)^{\eta _j} \log f_j(t_i| \theta) \\ \frac{\partial \log L}{\partial \sigma _{\text{rel},j}} =& -\sum ^{n_t}_{i=1} \frac{f_j(t_i| \theta)^{\eta _j}}{\sigma _{\text{tot}, ij}} + \sum ^{n_t}_{i=1} \frac{(X^{\text{obs}}_{ij} - f_j(t_i| \theta))^2} {\sigma ^3_{\text{tot}, ij}}f_j(t_i| \theta)^{\eta _j},\end{split}\]

where \(i\) sums over the measurement time points and \(j\) over the outputs of the model.


See LogPDF.n_parameters().

class pints.GaussianIntegratedUniformLogLikelihood(problem, lower, upper)[source]

Calculates a log-likelihood assuming independent Gaussian-distributed noise at each time point where \(\sigma\sim U(a,b)\) has been integrated out of the joint posterior of \(p(\theta,\sigma|X)\),

\[\begin{split}\begin{align} p(\theta|X) &= \int_{0}^{\infty} p(\theta, \sigma|X) \mathrm{d}\sigma\\ &\propto \int_{0}^{\infty} p(X|\theta, \sigma) p(\theta, \sigma) \mathrm{d}\sigma,\end{align}\end{split}\]

Note that this is exactly the same statistical model as pints.GaussianLogLikelihood with a uniform prior on \(\sigma\).

A possible advantage of this log-likelihood compared with using a pints.GaussianLogLikelihood, is that it has one fewer parameters (\(sigma\)) which may speed up convergence to the posterior distribution, especially for multi-output problems which will have n_outputs fewer parameter dimensions.

The log-likelihood is given in terms of the sum of squared errors:

\[SSE = \sum_{i=1}^n (f_i(\theta) - y_i)^2\]

and is given up to a normalisation constant by:

\[\begin{split}\begin{align} \text{log} L = & - n / 2 \text{log}(\pi) \\ & - \text{log}(2 (b - a) \sqrt(2)) \\ & + (1 / 2 - n / 2) \text{log}(SSE) \\ & + \text{log}\left[\Gamma((n - 1) / 2, \frac{SSE}{2 b^2}) - \Gamma((n - 1) / 2, \frac{SSE}{2 a^2}) \right] \end{align}\end{split}\]

where \(\Gamma(u,v)\) is the upper incomplete gamma function as defined here: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Incomplete_gamma_function

This log-likelihood is inherently a Bayesian method since it assumes a uniform prior on \(\sigma\sim U(a,b)\). However using this likelihood in optimisation routines should yield the same estimates as the full pints.GaussianLogLikelihood.

Extends ProblemLogLikelihood.

  • problem – A SingleOutputProblem or MultiOutputProblem.
  • lower – The lower limit on the uniform prior on sigma. Must be non-negative.
  • upper – The upper limit on the uniform prior on sigma.

Evaluates this LogPDF, and returns the result plus the partial derivatives of the result with respect to the parameters.

The returned data is a tuple (L, L') where L is a scalar value and L' is a sequence of length n_parameters.

Note that the derivative returned is of the log-pdf, so L' = d/dp log(f(p)), evaluated at p=x.

This is an optional method that is not always implemented.


See LogPDF.n_parameters().

class pints.GaussianKnownSigmaLogLikelihood(problem, sigma)[source]

Calculates a log-likelihood assuming independent Gaussian noise at each time point, using a known value for the standard deviation (sigma) of that noise:

\[\log{L(\theta | \sigma,\boldsymbol{x})} = -\frac{N}{2}\log{2\pi} -N\log{\sigma} -\frac{1}{2\sigma^2}\sum_{i=1}^N{(x_i - f_i(\theta))^2}\]

Extends ProblemLogLikelihood.

  • problem – A SingleOutputProblem or MultiOutputProblem.
  • sigma – The standard devation(s) of the noise. Can be a single value or a sequence of sigma’s for each output. Must be greater than zero.

See LogPDF.evaluateS1().


See LogPDF.n_parameters().

class pints.GaussianLogLikelihood(problem)[source]

Calculates a log-likelihood assuming independent Gaussian noise at each time point, and adds a parameter representing the standard deviation (sigma) of the noise on each output.

For a noise level of sigma, the likelihood becomes:

\[L(\theta, \sigma|\boldsymbol{x}) = p(\boldsymbol{x} | \theta, \sigma) = \prod_{j=1}^{n_t} \frac{1}{\sqrt{2\pi\sigma^2}}\exp\left( -\frac{(x_j - f_j(\theta))^2}{2\sigma^2}\right)\]

leading to a log likelihood of:

\[\log{L(\theta, \sigma|\boldsymbol{x})} = -\frac{n_t}{2} \log{2\pi} -n_t \log{\sigma} -\frac{1}{2\sigma^2}\sum_{j=1}^{n_t}{(x_j - f_j(\theta))^2}\]

where n_t is the number of time points in the series, x_j is the sampled data at time j and f_j is the simulated data at time j.

For a system with n_o outputs, this becomes

\[\log{L(\theta, \sigma|\boldsymbol{x})} = -\frac{n_t n_o}{2}\log{2\pi} -\sum_{i=1}^{n_o}{ {n_t}\log{\sigma_i} } -\sum_{i=1}^{n_o}{\left[ \frac{1}{2\sigma_i^2}\sum_{j=1}^{n_t}{(x_j - f_j(\theta))^2} \right]}\]

Extends ProblemLogLikelihood.

Parameters:problem – A SingleOutputProblem or MultiOutputProblem. For a single-output problem a single parameter is added, for a multi-output problem n_outputs parameters are added.

See LogPDF.evaluateS1().


See LogPDF.n_parameters().

class pints.KnownNoiseLogLikelihood(problem, sigma)[source]

Deprecated alias of GaussianKnownSigmaLogLikelihood.


See LogPDF.evaluateS1().


See LogPDF.n_parameters().

class pints.MultiplicativeGaussianLogLikelihood(problem)[source]

Calculates the log-likelihood for a time-series model assuming a heteroscedastic Gaussian error of the model predictions \(f(t, \theta )\).

This likelihood introduces two new scalar parameters for each dimension of the model output: an exponential power \(\eta\) and a scale \(\sigma\).

A heteroscedascic Gaussian noise model assumes that the observable \(X\) is Gaussian distributed around the model predictions \(f(t, \theta )\) with a standard deviation that scales with \(f(t, \theta )\)

\[X(t) = f(t, \theta) + \sigma f(t, \theta)^\eta v(t)\]

where \(v(t)\) is a standard i.i.d. Gaussian random variable

\[v(t) \sim \mathcal{N}(0, 1).\]

This model leads to a log likelihood of the model parameters of

\[\log{L(\theta, \eta , \sigma | X^{\text{obs}})} = -\frac{n_t}{2} \log{2 \pi} -\sum_{i=1}^{n_t}{\log{f(t_i, \theta)^\eta \sigma}} -\frac{1}{2}\sum_{i=1}^{n_t}\left( \frac{X^{\text{obs}}_{i} - f(t_i, \theta)} {f(t_i, \theta)^\eta \sigma}\right) ^2,\]

where \(n_t\) is the number of time points in the series, and \(X^{\text{obs}}_{i}\) the measurement at time \(t_i\).

For a system with \(n_o\) outputs, this becomes

\[\log{L(\theta, \eta , \sigma | X^{\text{obs}})} = -\frac{n_t n_o}{2} \log{2 \pi} -\sum ^{n_o}_{j=1}\sum_{i=1}^{n_t}{\log{f_j(t_i, \theta)^\eta \sigma _j}} -\frac{1}{2}\sum ^{n_o}_{j=1}\sum_{i=1}^{n_t}\left( \frac{X^{\text{obs}}_{ij} - f_j(t_i, \theta)} {f_j(t_i, \theta)^\eta \sigma _j}\right) ^2,\]

where \(n_o\) is the number of outputs of the model, and \(X^{\text{obs}}_{ij}\) the measurement of output \(j\) at time point \(t_i\).

Extends ProblemLogLikelihood.

Parameters:problem – A SingleOutputProblem or MultiOutputProblem. For a single-output problem two parameters are added (\(\eta\), \(\sigma\)), for a multi-output problem 2 times \(n_o\) parameters are added.

Evaluates this LogPDF, and returns the result plus the partial derivatives of the result with respect to the parameters.

The returned data is a tuple (L, L') where L is a scalar value and L' is a sequence of length n_parameters.

Note that the derivative returned is of the log-pdf, so L' = d/dp log(f(p)), evaluated at p=x.

This is an optional method that is not always implemented.


See LogPDF.n_parameters().

class pints.ScaledLogLikelihood(log_likelihood)[source]

Calculates a log-likelihood based on a (conditional) ProblemLogLikelihood divided by the number of time samples.

The returned value will be (1 / n) * log_likelihood(x|problem), where n is the number of time samples multiplied by the number of outputs.

This log-likelihood operates on both single and multi-output problems.

Extends ProblemLogLikelihood.

Parameters:log_likelihood – A ProblemLogLikelihood to scale.

See LogPDF.evaluateS1().

This method only works if the underlying LogPDF object implements the optional method LogPDF.evaluateS1()!


See LogPDF.n_parameters().

class pints.StudentTLogLikelihood(problem)[source]

Calculates a log-likelihood assuming independent Student-t-distributed noise at each time point, and adds two parameters: one representing the degrees of freedom (nu), the other representing the scale (sigma).

For a noise characterised by nu and sigma, the log likelihood is of the form:

\[\log{L(\theta, \nu, \sigma|\boldsymbol{x})} = N\frac{\nu}{2}\log(\nu) - N\log(\sigma) - N\log B(\nu/2, 1/2) -\frac{1+\nu}{2}\sum_{i=1}^N\log(\nu + \frac{x_i - f(\theta)}{\sigma}^2)\]

where B(.,.) is a beta function.

Extends ProblemLogLikelihood.

Parameters:problem – A SingleOutputProblem or MultiOutputProblem. For a single-output problem two parameters are added (nu, sigma), where nu is the degrees of freedom and sigma is scale, for a multi-output problem 2 * n_outputs parameters are added.

Evaluates this LogPDF, and returns the result plus the partial derivatives of the result with respect to the parameters.

The returned data is a tuple (L, L') where L is a scalar value and L' is a sequence of length n_parameters.

Note that the derivative returned is of the log-pdf, so L' = d/dp log(f(p)), evaluated at p=x.

This is an optional method that is not always implemented.


See LogPDF.n_parameters().

class pints.UnknownNoiseLogLikelihood(problem)[source]

Deprecated alias of GaussianLogLikelihood


See LogPDF.evaluateS1().


See LogPDF.n_parameters().