Source code for pints._log_likelihoods

# Log-likelihood functions
# This file is part of PINTS ( which is
# released under the BSD 3-clause license. See accompanying for
# copyright notice and full license details.
import pints
import numpy as np
import scipy.special

[docs]class AR1LogLikelihood(pints.ProblemLogLikelihood): r""" Calculates a log-likelihood assuming AR(1) (autoregressive order 1) errors. In this error model, the ith error term :math:`\epsilon_i = x_i - f_i(\theta)` is assumed to obey the following relationship. .. math:: \epsilon_i = \rho \epsilon_{i-1} + \nu_i where :math:`\nu_i` is IID Gaussian white noise with variance :math:`\sigma^2 (1-\rho^2)`. Therefore, this likelihood is appropriate when error terms are autocorrelated, and the parameter :math:`\rho` determines the level of autocorrelation. This model is parameterised as such because it leads to a simple marginal distribution :math:`\epsilon_i \sim N(0, \sigma)`. This class treats the error at the first time point (i=1) as fixed, which simplifies the calculations. For sufficiently long time-series, this conditioning on the first observation has at most a small effect on the likelihood. Further details as well as the alternative unconditional likelihood are available in [1]_ , chapter 5.2. Noting that .. math:: \nu_i = \epsilon_i - \rho \epsilon_{i-1} \sim N(0, \sigma^2 (1-\rho^2)) we thus calculate the likelihood as the product of normal likelihoods from :math:`i=2,...,N`, for a time series with N time points. .. math:: L(\theta, \sigma, \rho|\boldsymbol{x}) = -\frac{N-1}{2} \log(2\pi) - (N-1) \log(\sigma') - \frac{1}{2\sigma'^2} \sum_{i=2}^N (\epsilon_i - \rho \epsilon_{i-1})^2 for :math:`\sigma' = \sigma \sqrt{1-\rho^2}`. Extends :class:`ProblemLogLikelihood`. Parameters ---------- problem A :class:`SingleOutputProblem` or :class:`MultiOutputProblem`. For a single-output problem two parameters are added (rho, sigma), for a multi-output problem 2 * ``n_outputs`` parameters are added. References ---------- .. [1] Hamilton, James D. Time series analysis. Vol. 2. New Jersey: Princeton, 1994. """ def __init__(self, problem): super(AR1LogLikelihood, self).__init__(problem) # Get number of times, number of outputs self._nt = len(self._times) - 1 self._no = problem.n_outputs() # Add parameters to problem self._n_parameters = problem.n_parameters() + 2 * self._no # Pre-calculate parts self._logn = 0.5 * (self._nt) * np.log(2 * np.pi) def __call__(self, x): m = 2 * self._no parameters = x[-m:] rho = np.asarray(parameters[0::2]) sigma = np.asarray(parameters[1::2]) if any(sigma <= 0): return -np.inf sigma = np.asarray(sigma) * np.sqrt(1 - rho**2) error = self._values - self._problem.evaluate(x[:-2 * self._no]) autocorr_error = error[1:] - rho * error[:-1] return np.sum(- self._logn - self._nt * np.log(sigma) - np.sum(autocorr_error**2, axis=0) / (2 * sigma**2))
[docs]class ARMA11LogLikelihood(pints.ProblemLogLikelihood): r""" Calculates a log-likelihood assuming ARMA(1,1) errors. The ARMA(1,1) model has 1 autoregressive term and 1 moving average term. It assumes that the errors :math:`\epsilon_i = x_i - f_i(\theta)` obey .. math:: \epsilon_i = \rho \epsilon_{i-1} + \nu_i + \phi \nu_{i-1} where :math:`\nu_i` is IID Gaussian white noise with standard deviation :math:`\sigma'`. .. math:: \sigma' = \sigma \sqrt{\frac{1 - \rho^2}{1 + 2 \phi \rho + \phi^2}} This model is parameterised as such because it leads to a simple marginal distribution :math:`\epsilon_i \sim N(0, \sigma)`. Due to the complexity of the exact ARMA(1,1) likelihood, this class calculates a likelihood conditioned on initial values. This topic is discussed further in [2]_ , chapter 5.6. Thus, for a time series defined at points :math:`i=1,...,N`, summation begins at :math:`i=3`, and the conditional log-likelihood is .. math:: L(\theta, \sigma, \rho, \phi|\boldsymbol{x}) = -\frac{N-2}{2} \log(2\pi) - (N-2) \log(\sigma') - \frac{1}{2\sigma'^2} \sum_{i=3}^N (\nu_i)^2 where the values of :math:`\nu_i` are calculated from the observations according to .. math:: \nu_i = \epsilon_i - \rho \epsilon_{i-1} - \phi (\epsilon_{i-1} - \rho \epsilon_{i-2}) Extends :class:`ProblemLogLikelihood`. Parameters ---------- problem A :class:`SingleOutputProblem` or :class:`MultiOutputProblem`. For a single-output problem three parameters are added (rho, phi, sigma), for a multi-output problem 3 * ``n_outputs`` parameters are added. References ---------- .. [2] Hamilton, James D. Time series analysis. Vol. 2. New Jersey: Princeton, 1994. """ def __init__(self, problem): super(ARMA11LogLikelihood, self).__init__(problem) # Get number of times, number of outputs self._nt = len(self._times) - 2 self._no = problem.n_outputs() # Add parameters to problem self._n_parameters = problem.n_parameters() + 3 * self._no # Pre-calculate parts self._logn = 0.5 * (self._nt) * np.log(2 * np.pi) def __call__(self, x): m = 3 * self._no parameters = x[-m:] rho = np.asarray(parameters[0::3]) phi = np.asarray(parameters[1::3]) sigma = np.asarray(parameters[2::3]) if any(sigma <= 0): return -np.inf sigma = ( sigma * np.sqrt((1.0 - rho**2) / (1.0 + 2.0 * phi * rho + phi**2)) ) error = self._values - self._problem.evaluate(x[:-m]) v = error[1:] - rho * error[:-1] autocorr_error = v[1:] - phi * v[:-1] return np.sum(- self._logn - self._nt * np.log(sigma) - np.sum(autocorr_error**2, axis=0) / (2 * sigma**2))
[docs]class CauchyLogLikelihood(pints.ProblemLogLikelihood): r""" Calculates a log-likelihood assuming independent Cauchy-distributed noise at each time point, and adds one parameter: the scale (``sigma``). For a noise characterised by ``sigma``, the log-likelihood is of the form: .. math:: \log{L(\theta, \sigma)} = -N\log \pi - N\log \sigma -\sum_{i=1}^N\log(1 + \frac{x_i - f(\theta)}{\sigma}^2) Extends :class:`ProblemLogLikelihood`. Parameters ---------- problem A :class:`SingleOutputProblem` or :class:`MultiOutputProblem`. For a single-output problem one parameter is added ``sigma``, where ``sigma`` is scale, for a multi-output problem ``n_outputs`` parameters are added. """ def __init__(self, problem): super(CauchyLogLikelihood, self).__init__(problem) # Get number of times, number of outputs self._nt = len(self._times) self._no = problem.n_outputs() # Add parameters to problem (one for each output) self._n_parameters = problem.n_parameters() + self._no # Pre-calculate self._n = len(self._times) self._n_log_pi = self._n * np.log(np.pi) def __call__(self, x): # For multiparameter problems the parameters are stored as # (model_params_1, model_params_2, ..., model_params_k, # sigma_1, sigma_2,...) n = self._n m = self._no # Distribution parameters sigma = np.asarray(x[-m:]) if any(sigma <= 0): return -np.inf # problem parameters problem_parameters = x[:-m] error = self._values - self._problem.evaluate(problem_parameters) # Calculate return np.sum( - self._n_log_pi - n * np.log(sigma) - np.sum(np.log(1 + (error / sigma)**2), axis=0) )
[docs]class ConstantAndMultiplicativeGaussianLogLikelihood( pints.ProblemLogLikelihood): r""" Calculates the log-likelihood assuming a mixed error model of a Gaussian base-level noise and a Gaussian heteroscedastic noise. For a time series model :math:`f(t| \theta)` with parameters :math:`\theta` , the ConstantAndMultiplicativeGaussianLogLikelihood assumes that the model predictions :math:`X` are Gaussian distributed according to .. math:: X(t| \theta , \sigma _{\text{base}}, \sigma _{\text{rel}}) = f(t| \theta) + (\sigma _{\text{base}} + \sigma _{\text{rel}} f(t| \theta)^\eta ) \, \epsilon , where :math:`\epsilon` is a i.i.d. standard Gaussian random variable .. math:: \epsilon \sim \mathcal{N}(0, 1). For each output in the problem, this likelihood introduces three new scalar parameters: a base-level scale :math:`\sigma _{\text{base}}`; an exponential power :math:`\eta`; and a scale relative to the model output :math:`\sigma _{\text{rel}}`. The resulting log-likelihood of a constant and multiplicative Gaussian error model is .. math:: \log L(\theta, \sigma _{\text{base}}, \eta , \sigma _{\text{rel}} | X^{\text{obs}}) = -\frac{n_t}{2} \log 2 \pi -\sum_{i=1}^{n_t}\log \sigma _{\text{tot}, i} - \sum_{i=1}^{n_t} \frac{(X^{\text{obs}}_i - f(t_i| \theta))^2} {2\sigma ^2_{\text{tot}, i}}, where :math:`n_t` is the number of measured time points in the time series, :math:`X^{\text{obs}}_i` is the observation at time point :math:`t_i`, and :math:`\sigma _{\text{tot}, i}=\sigma _{\text{base}} +\sigma _{\text{rel}} f(t_i| \theta)^\eta` is the total standard deviation of the error at time :math:`t_i`. For a system with :math:`n_o` outputs, this becomes .. math:: \log L(\theta, \sigma _{\text{base}}, \eta , \sigma _{\text{rel}} | X^{\text{obs}}) = -\frac{n_tn_o}{2} \log 2 \pi -\sum_{j=1}^{n_0}\sum_{i=1}^{n_t}\log \sigma _{\text{tot}, ij} - \sum_{j=1}^{n_0}\sum_{i=1}^{n_t} \frac{(X^{\text{obs}}_{ij} - f_j(t_i| \theta))^2} {2\sigma ^2_{\text{tot}, ij}}, where :math:`n_o` is the number of outputs of the model, :math:`X^{\text{obs}}_{ij}` is the observation at time point :math:`t_i` of output :math:`j`, and :math:`\sigma _{\text{tot}, ij}=\sigma _{\text{base}, j} + \sigma _{\text{rel}, j}f_j(t_i| \theta)^{\eta _j}` is the total standard deviation of the error at time :math:`t_i` of output :math:`j`. Extends :class:`ProblemLogLikelihood`. Parameters ---------- ``problem`` A :class:`SingleOutputProblem` or :class:`MultiOutputProblem`. For a single-output problem three parameters are added (:math:`\sigma _{\text{base}}`, :math:`\eta`, :math:`\sigma _{\text{rel}}`), for a multi-output problem :math:`3n_o` parameters are added (:math:`\sigma _{\text{base},1},\ldots , \sigma _{\text{base},n_o}, \eta _1,\ldots , \eta _{n_o}, \sigma _{\text{rel},1}, \ldots , \sigma _{\text{rel},n_o})`. """ def __init__(self, problem): super(ConstantAndMultiplicativeGaussianLogLikelihood, self).__init__( problem) # Get number of times and number of noise parameters self._nt = len(self._times) self._no = problem.n_outputs() self._np = 3 * self._no # Add parameters to problem self._n_parameters = problem.n_parameters() + self._np # Pre-calculate the constant part of the likelihood self._logn = -0.5 * self._nt * self._no * np.log(2 * np.pi) def __call__(self, parameters): # Get parameters from input noise_parameters = np.asarray(parameters[-self._np:]) sigma_base = noise_parameters[:self._no] eta = noise_parameters[self._no:2 * self._no] sigma_rel = noise_parameters[2 * self._no:] # Evaluate noise-free model (n_times, n_outputs) function_values = self._problem.evaluate(parameters[:-self._np]) # Compute error (n_times, n_outputs) error = self._values - function_values # Compute total standard deviation sigma_tot = sigma_base + sigma_rel * function_values**eta if np.any(np.asarray(sigma_tot) <= 0): return -np.inf # Compute log-likelihood # (inner sums over time points, outer sum over parameters) log_likelihood = self._logn - np.sum( np.sum(np.log(sigma_tot), axis=0) + 0.5 * np.sum(error**2 / sigma_tot**2, axis=0)) return log_likelihood
[docs] def evaluateS1(self, parameters): r""" See :meth:`LogPDF.evaluateS1()`. The partial derivatives of the log-likelihood w.r.t. the model parameters are .. math:: \frac{\partial \log L}{\partial \theta _k} =& -\sum_{i,j}\sigma _{\text{rel},j}\eta _j\frac{ f_j(t_i| \theta)^{\eta _j-1}} {\sigma _{\text{tot}, ij}} \frac{\partial f_j(t_i| \theta)}{\partial \theta _k} + \sum_{i,j} \frac{X^{\text{obs}}_{ij} - f_j(t_i| \theta)} {\sigma ^2_{\text{tot}, ij}} \frac{\partial f_j(t_i| \theta)}{\partial \theta _k} \\ &+\sum_{i,j}\sigma _{\text{rel},j}\eta _j \frac{(X^{\text{obs}}_{ij} - f_j(t_i| \theta))^2} {\sigma ^3_{\text{tot}, ij}}f_j(t_i| \theta)^{\eta _j-1} \frac{\partial f_j(t_i| \theta)}{\partial \theta _k} \\ \frac{\partial \log L}{\partial \sigma _{\text{base}, j}} =& -\sum ^{n_t}_{i=1}\frac{1}{\sigma _{\text{tot}, ij}} +\sum ^{n_t}_{i=1} \frac{(X^{\text{obs}}_{ij} - f_j(t_i| \theta))^2} {\sigma ^3_{\text{tot}, ij}} \\ \frac{\partial \log L}{\partial \eta _j} =& -\sigma _{\text{rel},j}\eta _j\sum ^{n_t}_{i=1} \frac{f_j(t_i| \theta)^{\eta _j}\log f_j(t_i| \theta)} {\sigma _{\text{tot}, ij}} + \sigma _{\text{rel},j}\eta _j \sum ^{n_t}_{i=1} \frac{(X^{\text{obs}}_{ij} - f_j(t_i| \theta))^2} {\sigma ^3_{\text{tot}, ij}}f_j(t_i| \theta)^{\eta _j} \log f_j(t_i| \theta) \\ \frac{\partial \log L}{\partial \sigma _{\text{rel},j}} =& -\sum ^{n_t}_{i=1} \frac{f_j(t_i| \theta)^{\eta _j}}{\sigma _{\text{tot}, ij}} + \sum ^{n_t}_{i=1} \frac{(X^{\text{obs}}_{ij} - f_j(t_i| \theta))^2} {\sigma ^3_{\text{tot}, ij}}f_j(t_i| \theta)^{\eta _j}, where :math:`i` sums over the measurement time points and :math:`j` over the outputs of the model. """ L = self.__call__(parameters) if np.isneginf(L): return L, np.tile(np.nan, self._n_parameters) # Get parameters from input # Shape sigma_base, eta, sigma_rel = (n_outputs,) noise_parameters = np.asarray(parameters[-self._np:]) sigma_base = noise_parameters[:self._no] eta = noise_parameters[self._no:2 * self._no] sigma_rel = noise_parameters[-self._no:] # Evaluate noise-free model, and get residuals # y shape = (n_times,) or (n_times, n_outputs) # dy shape = (n_times, n_model_parameters) or # (n_times, n_outputs, n_model_parameters) y, dy = self._problem.evaluateS1(parameters[:-self._np]) # Reshape y and dy, in case we're working with a single-output problem # Shape y = (n_times, n_outputs) # Shape dy = (n_model_parameters, n_times, n_outputs) y = y.reshape(self._nt, self._no) dy = np.transpose( dy.reshape(self._nt, self._no, self._n_parameters - self._np), axes=(2, 0, 1)) # Compute error # Note: Must be (data - simulation), sign now matters! # Shape: (n_times, output) error = self._values.reshape(self._nt, self._no) - y # Compute total standard deviation sigma_tot = sigma_base + sigma_rel * y**eta # Compute derivative w.r.t. model parameters dtheta = -np.sum(sigma_rel * eta * np.sum( y**(eta - 1) * dy / sigma_tot, axis=1), axis=1) + \ np.sum(error * dy / sigma_tot**2, axis=(1, 2)) + np.sum( sigma_rel * eta * np.sum( error**2 * y**(eta - 1) * dy / sigma_tot**3, axis=1), axis=1) # Compute derivative w.r.t. sigma base dsigma_base = - np.sum(1 / sigma_tot, axis=0) + np.sum( error**2 / sigma_tot**3, axis=0) # Compute derivative w.r.t. eta deta = -sigma_rel * ( np.sum(y**eta * np.log(y) / sigma_tot, axis=0) - np.sum( error**2 / sigma_tot**3 * y**eta * np.log(y), axis=0)) # Compute derivative w.r.t. sigma rel dsigma_rel = -np.sum(y**eta / sigma_tot, axis=0) + np.sum( error**2 / sigma_tot**3 * y**eta, axis=0) # Collect partial derivatives dL = np.hstack((dtheta, dsigma_base, deta, dsigma_rel)) # Return return L, dL
[docs]class GaussianIntegratedUniformLogLikelihood(pints.ProblemLogLikelihood): r""" Calculates a log-likelihood assuming independent Gaussian-distributed noise at each time point where :math:`\sigma\sim U(a,b)` has been integrated out of the joint posterior of :math:`p(\theta,\sigma|X)`, .. math:: \begin{align} p(\theta|X) &= \int_{0}^{\infty} p(\theta, \sigma|X) \mathrm{d}\sigma\\ &\propto \int_{0}^{\infty} p(X|\theta, \sigma) p(\theta, \sigma) \mathrm{d}\sigma,\end{align} Note that this is exactly the same statistical model as :class:`pints.GaussianLogLikelihood` with a uniform prior on :math:`\sigma`. A possible advantage of this log-likelihood compared with using a :class:`pints.GaussianLogLikelihood`, is that it has one fewer parameters (:math:`sigma`) which may speed up convergence to the posterior distribution, especially for multi-output problems which will have ``n_outputs`` fewer parameter dimensions. The log-likelihood is given in terms of the sum of squared errors: .. math:: SSE = \sum_{i=1}^n (f_i(\theta) - y_i)^2 and is given up to a normalisation constant by: .. math:: \begin{align} \text{log} L = & - n / 2 \text{log}(\pi) \\ & - \text{log}(2 (b - a) \sqrt(2)) \\ & + (1 / 2 - n / 2) \text{log}(SSE) \\ & + \text{log}\left[\Gamma((n - 1) / 2, \frac{SSE}{2 b^2}) - \Gamma((n - 1) / 2, \frac{SSE}{2 a^2}) \right] \end{align} where :math:`\Gamma(u,v)` is the upper incomplete gamma function as defined here: This log-likelihood is inherently a Bayesian method since it assumes a uniform prior on :math:`\sigma\sim U(a,b)`. However using this likelihood in optimisation routines should yield the same estimates as the full :class:`pints.GaussianLogLikelihood`. Extends :class:`ProblemLogLikelihood`. Parameters ---------- problem A :class:`SingleOutputProblem` or :class:`MultiOutputProblem`. lower The lower limit on the uniform prior on `sigma`. Must be non-negative. upper The upper limit on the uniform prior on `sigma`. """ def __init__(self, problem, lower, upper): super(GaussianIntegratedUniformLogLikelihood, self).__init__(problem) # Get number of times, number of outputs self._nt = len(self._times) self._no = problem.n_outputs() # Add parameters to problem self._n_parameters = problem.n_parameters() a = lower if np.isscalar(a): a = np.ones(self._no) * float(a) else: a = pints.vector(a) if len(a) != self._no: raise ValueError( 'Lower limit on uniform prior for sigma must be a ' + ' scalar or a vector of length n_outputs.') if np.any(a < 0): raise ValueError('Lower limit on uniform prior for sigma ' + 'must be non-negative.') b = upper if np.isscalar(b): b = np.ones(self._no) * float(b) else: b = pints.vector(b) if len(b) != self._no: raise ValueError( 'Upper limit on uniform prior for sigma must be a ' + ' scalar or a vector of length n_outputs.') if np.any(b <= 0): raise ValueError('Upper limit on uniform prior for sigma ' + 'must be positive.') diff = b - a if np.any(diff <= 0): raise ValueError('Upper limit on uniform prior for sigma ' + 'must exceed lower limit.') self._a = a self._b = b # Pre-calculate n = self._nt self._n_minus_1_over_2 = (n - 1.0) / 2.0 self._const_a_0 = ( -n * np.log(b) - (n / 2.0) * np.log(np.pi) - np.log(2 * np.sqrt(2)) ) self._b2 = self._b**2 self._a2 = self._a**2 self._const_general = ( -(n / 2.0) * np.log(np.pi) - np.log(2 * np.sqrt(2) * (b - a)) ) self._log_gamma = scipy.special.gammaln(self._n_minus_1_over_2) self._two_power = 2**(1 / 2 - n / 2) def __call__(self, x): error = self._values - self._problem.evaluate(x) sse = np.sum(error**2, axis=0) # Calculate log_temp = np.zeros(len(self._a2)) sse = pints.vector(sse) for i, a in enumerate(self._a2): if a != 0: log_temp[i] = np.log( scipy.special.gammaincc(self._n_minus_1_over_2, sse[i] / (2 * self._b2[i])) - scipy.special.gammaincc(self._n_minus_1_over_2, sse[i] / (2 * a))) else: log_temp[i] = np.log( scipy.special.gammaincc(self._n_minus_1_over_2, sse[i] / (2 * self._b2[i]))) return np.sum( self._const_general - self._n_minus_1_over_2 * np.log(sse) + self._log_gamma + log_temp )
[docs]class GaussianKnownSigmaLogLikelihood(pints.ProblemLogLikelihood): r""" Calculates a log-likelihood assuming independent Gaussian noise at each time point, using a known value for the standard deviation (sigma) of that noise: .. math:: \log{L(\theta | \sigma,\boldsymbol{x})} = -\frac{N}{2}\log{2\pi} -N\log{\sigma} -\frac{1}{2\sigma^2}\sum_{i=1}^N{(x_i - f_i(\theta))^2} Extends :class:`ProblemLogLikelihood`. Parameters ---------- problem A :class:`SingleOutputProblem` or :class:`MultiOutputProblem`. sigma The standard devation(s) of the noise. Can be a single value or a sequence of sigma's for each output. Must be greater than zero. """ def __init__(self, problem, sigma): super(GaussianKnownSigmaLogLikelihood, self).__init__(problem) # Store counts self._no = problem.n_outputs() self._np = problem.n_parameters() self._nt = problem.n_times() # Check sigma if np.isscalar(sigma): sigma = np.ones(self._no) * float(sigma) else: sigma = pints.vector(sigma) if len(sigma) != self._no: raise ValueError( 'Sigma must be a scalar or a vector of length n_outputs.') if np.any(sigma <= 0): raise ValueError('Standard deviation must be greater than zero.') # Pre-calculate parts self._offset = -0.5 * self._nt * np.log(2 * np.pi) self._offset -= self._nt * np.log(sigma) self._multip = -1 / (2.0 * sigma**2) # Pre-calculate S1 parts self._isigma2 = sigma**-2 def __call__(self, x): error = self._values - self._problem.evaluate(x) return np.sum(self._offset + self._multip * np.sum(error**2, axis=0))
[docs] def evaluateS1(self, x): """ See :meth:`LogPDF.evaluateS1()`. """ # Evaluate, and get residuals y, dy = self._problem.evaluateS1(x) # Reshape dy, in case we're working with a single-output problem dy = dy.reshape(self._nt, self._no, self._np) # Note: Must be (data - simulation), sign now matters! r = self._values - y # Calculate log-likelihood L = np.sum(self._offset + self._multip * np.sum(r**2, axis=0)) # Calculate derivative dL = np.sum( (self._isigma2 * np.sum((r.T * dy.T).T, axis=0).T).T, axis=0) # Return return L, dL
[docs]class GaussianLogLikelihood(pints.ProblemLogLikelihood): r""" Calculates a log-likelihood assuming independent Gaussian noise at each time point, and adds a parameter representing the standard deviation (sigma) of the noise on each output. For a noise level of ``sigma``, the likelihood becomes: .. math:: L(\theta, \sigma|\boldsymbol{x}) = p(\boldsymbol{x} | \theta, \sigma) = \prod_{j=1}^{n_t} \frac{1}{\sqrt{2\pi\sigma^2}}\exp\left( -\frac{(x_j - f_j(\theta))^2}{2\sigma^2}\right) leading to a log likelihood of: .. math:: \log{L(\theta, \sigma|\boldsymbol{x})} = -\frac{n_t}{2} \log{2\pi} -n_t \log{\sigma} -\frac{1}{2\sigma^2}\sum_{j=1}^{n_t}{(x_j - f_j(\theta))^2} where ``n_t`` is the number of time points in the series, ``x_j`` is the sampled data at time ``j`` and ``f_j`` is the simulated data at time ``j``. For a system with ``n_o`` outputs, this becomes .. math:: \log{L(\theta, \sigma|\boldsymbol{x})} = -\frac{n_t n_o}{2}\log{2\pi} -\sum_{i=1}^{n_o}{ {n_t}\log{\sigma_i} } -\sum_{i=1}^{n_o}{\left[ \frac{1}{2\sigma_i^2}\sum_{j=1}^{n_t}{(x_j - f_j(\theta))^2} \right]} Extends :class:`ProblemLogLikelihood`. Parameters ---------- problem A :class:`SingleOutputProblem` or :class:`MultiOutputProblem`. For a single-output problem a single parameter is added, for a multi-output problem ``n_outputs`` parameters are added. """ def __init__(self, problem): super(GaussianLogLikelihood, self).__init__(problem) # Get number of times, number of outputs self._nt = len(self._times) self._no = problem.n_outputs() # Add parameters to problem self._n_parameters = problem.n_parameters() + self._no # Pre-calculate parts self._logn = 0.5 * self._nt * np.log(2 * np.pi) def __call__(self, x): sigma = np.asarray(x[-self._no:]) if any(sigma <= 0): return -np.inf error = self._values - self._problem.evaluate(x[:-self._no]) return np.sum(- self._logn - self._nt * np.log(sigma) - np.sum(error**2, axis=0) / (2 * sigma**2))
[docs] def evaluateS1(self, x): """ See :meth:`LogPDF.evaluateS1()`. """ sigma = np.asarray(x[-self._no:]) # Calculate log-likelihood L = self.__call__(x) if np.isneginf(L): return L, np.tile(np.nan, self._n_parameters) # Evaluate, and get residuals y, dy = self._problem.evaluateS1(x[:-self._no]) # Reshape dy, in case we're working with a single-output problem dy = dy.reshape(self._nt, self._no, self._n_parameters - self._no) # Note: Must be (data - simulation), sign now matters! r = self._values - y # Calculate derivatives in the model parameters dL = np.sum( (sigma**(-2.0) * np.sum((r.T * dy.T).T, axis=0).T).T, axis=0) # Calculate derivative wrt sigma dsigma = -self._nt / sigma + sigma**(-3.0) * np.sum(r**2, axis=0) dL = np.concatenate((dL, np.array(list(dsigma)))) # Return return L, dL
[docs]class KnownNoiseLogLikelihood(GaussianKnownSigmaLogLikelihood): """ Deprecated alias of :class:`GaussianKnownSigmaLogLikelihood`. """ def __init__(self, problem, sigma): # Deprecated on 2019-02-06 import warnings warnings.warn( 'The class `pints.KnownNoiseLogLikelihood` is deprecated.' ' Please use `pints.GaussianKnownSigmaLogLikelihood` instead.') super(KnownNoiseLogLikelihood, self).__init__(problem, sigma)
[docs]class MultiplicativeGaussianLogLikelihood(pints.ProblemLogLikelihood): r""" Calculates the log-likelihood for a time-series model assuming a heteroscedastic Gaussian error of the model predictions :math:`f(t, \theta )`. This likelihood introduces two new scalar parameters for each dimension of the model output: an exponential power :math:`\eta` and a scale :math:`\sigma`. A heteroscedascic Gaussian noise model assumes that the observable :math:`X` is Gaussian distributed around the model predictions :math:`f(t, \theta )` with a standard deviation that scales with :math:`f(t, \theta )` .. math:: X(t) = f(t, \theta) + \sigma f(t, \theta)^\eta v(t) where :math:`v(t)` is a standard i.i.d. Gaussian random variable .. math:: v(t) \sim \mathcal{N}(0, 1). This model leads to a log likelihood of the model parameters of .. math:: \log{L(\theta, \eta , \sigma | X^{\text{obs}})} = -\frac{n_t}{2} \log{2 \pi} -\sum_{i=1}^{n_t}{\log{f(t_i, \theta)^\eta \sigma}} -\frac{1}{2}\sum_{i=1}^{n_t}\left( \frac{X^{\text{obs}}_{i} - f(t_i, \theta)} {f(t_i, \theta)^\eta \sigma}\right) ^2, where :math:`n_t` is the number of time points in the series, and :math:`X^{\text{obs}}_{i}` the measurement at time :math:`t_i`. For a system with :math:`n_o` outputs, this becomes .. math:: \log{L(\theta, \eta , \sigma | X^{\text{obs}})} = -\frac{n_t n_o}{2} \log{2 \pi} -\sum ^{n_o}_{j=1}\sum_{i=1}^{n_t}{\log{f_j(t_i, \theta)^\eta \sigma _j}} -\frac{1}{2}\sum ^{n_o}_{j=1}\sum_{i=1}^{n_t}\left( \frac{X^{\text{obs}}_{ij} - f_j(t_i, \theta)} {f_j(t_i, \theta)^\eta \sigma _j}\right) ^2, where :math:`n_o` is the number of outputs of the model, and :math:`X^{\text{obs}}_{ij}` the measurement of output :math:`j` at time point :math:`t_i`. Extends :class:`ProblemLogLikelihood`. Parameters ---------- ``problem`` A :class:`SingleOutputProblem` or :class:`MultiOutputProblem`. For a single-output problem two parameters are added (:math:`\eta`, :math:`\sigma`), for a multi-output problem 2 times :math:`n_o` parameters are added. """ def __init__(self, problem): super(MultiplicativeGaussianLogLikelihood, self).__init__(problem) # Get number of times and number of outputs self._nt = len(self._times) no = problem.n_outputs() self._np = 2 * no # 2 parameters added per output # Add parameters to problem self._n_parameters = problem.n_parameters() + self._np # Pre-calculate the constant part of the likelihood self._logn = 0.5 * self._nt * no * np.log(2 * np.pi) def __call__(self, x): # Get noise parameters noise_parameters = x[-self._np:] eta = np.asarray(noise_parameters[0::2]) sigma = np.asarray(noise_parameters[1::2]) if any(sigma <= 0): return -np.inf # Evaluate function (n_times, n_output) function_values = self._problem.evaluate(x[:-self._np]) # Compute likelihood log_likelihood = \ -self._logn - np.sum( np.sum(np.log(function_values**eta * sigma), axis=0) + 0.5 / sigma**2 * np.sum( (self._values - function_values)**2 / function_values ** (2 * eta), axis=0)) return log_likelihood
[docs]class ScaledLogLikelihood(pints.ProblemLogLikelihood): """ Calculates a log-likelihood based on a (conditional) :class:`ProblemLogLikelihood` divided by the number of time samples. The returned value will be ``(1 / n) * log_likelihood(x|problem)``, where ``n`` is the number of time samples multiplied by the number of outputs. This log-likelihood operates on both single and multi-output problems. Extends :class:`ProblemLogLikelihood`. Parameters ---------- log_likelihood A :class:`ProblemLogLikelihood` to scale. """ def __init__(self, log_likelihood): # Check arguments if not isinstance(log_likelihood, pints.ProblemLogLikelihood): raise ValueError( 'Given log_likelihood must extend pints.ProblemLogLikelihood') # Call parent constructor super(ScaledLogLikelihood, self).__init__(log_likelihood._problem) # Store log-likelihood self._log_likelihood = log_likelihood # Pre-calculate parts self._f = 1.0 / np.product(self._values.shape) def __call__(self, x): return self._f * self._log_likelihood(x)
[docs] def evaluateS1(self, x): """ See :meth:`LogPDF.evaluateS1()`. This method only works if the underlying :class:`LogPDF` object implements the optional method :meth:`LogPDF.evaluateS1()`! """ a, b = self._log_likelihood.evaluateS1(x) return self._f * a, self._f * np.asarray(b)
[docs]class StudentTLogLikelihood(pints.ProblemLogLikelihood): r""" Calculates a log-likelihood assuming independent Student-t-distributed noise at each time point, and adds two parameters: one representing the degrees of freedom (``nu``), the other representing the scale (``sigma``). For a noise characterised by ``nu`` and ``sigma``, the log likelihood is of the form: .. math:: \log{L(\theta, \nu, \sigma|\boldsymbol{x})} = N\frac{\nu}{2}\log(\nu) - N\log(\sigma) - N\log B(\nu/2, 1/2) -\frac{1+\nu}{2}\sum_{i=1}^N\log(\nu + \frac{x_i - f(\theta)}{\sigma}^2) where ``B(.,.)`` is a beta function. Extends :class:`ProblemLogLikelihood`. Parameters ---------- problem A :class:`SingleOutputProblem` or :class:`MultiOutputProblem`. For a single-output problem two parameters are added ``(nu, sigma)``, where ``nu`` is the degrees of freedom and ``sigma`` is scale, for a multi-output problem ``2 * n_outputs`` parameters are added. """ def __init__(self, problem): super(StudentTLogLikelihood, self).__init__(problem) # Get number of times, number of outputs self._nt = len(self._times) self._no = problem.n_outputs() # Add parameters to problem (two for each output) self._n_parameters = problem.n_parameters() + 2 * self._no # Pre-calculate self._n = len(self._times) def __call__(self, x): # For multiparameter problems the parameters are stored as # (model_params_1, model_params_2, ..., model_params_k, # nu_1, sigma_1, nu_2, sigma_2,...) n = self._n m = 2 * self._no # problem parameters problem_parameters = x[:-m] error = self._values - self._problem.evaluate(problem_parameters) # Distribution parameters parameters = x[-m:] nu = np.asarray(parameters[0::2]) sigma = np.asarray(parameters[1::2]) if any(nu <= 0) or any(sigma <= 0): return -np.inf # Calculate return np.sum( + 0.5 * n * nu * np.log(nu) - n * np.log(sigma) - n * np.log(scipy.special.beta(0.5 * nu, 0.5)) - 0.5 * (1 + nu) * np.sum(np.log(nu + (error / sigma)**2), axis=0) )
[docs]class UnknownNoiseLogLikelihood(GaussianLogLikelihood): """ Deprecated alias of :class:`GaussianLogLikelihood` """ def __init__(self, problem): # Deprecated on 2019-02-06 import warnings warnings.warn( 'The class `pints.KnownNoiseLogLikelihood` is deprecated.' ' Please use `pints.GaussianLogLikelihood` instead.') super(UnknownNoiseLogLikelihood, self).__init__(problem)