Source code for pints.toy._simple_egg_box

# Simple egg-box toy LogPDF.
# This file is part of PINTS ( which is
# released under the BSD 3-clause license. See accompanying for
# copyright notice and full license details.
import numpy as np
import scipy.stats

from . import ToyLogPDF

[docs]class SimpleEggBoxLogPDF(ToyLogPDF): """ Two-dimensional multimodal Gaussian distribution, with four more-or-less independent modes, each centered in a different quadrant. Extends :class:`pints.toy.ToyLogPDF`. Parameters ---------- sigma : float The variance of each mode. r : float Determines the positions of the modes, which will be located at ``(d, d)``, ``(-d, d)``, ``(-d, -d)``, and ``(d, -d)``, where ``d = r * sigma``. """ def __init__(self, sigma=2, r=4): # Sigma for every mode self._sigma = float(sigma) if self._sigma <= 0: raise ValueError('Sigma must be greater than zero.') # Set modes r = float(r) if r <= 0: raise ValueError('Argument r must be greater than zero.') d = r * self._sigma self._modes = [ [d, d], [-d, d], [-d, -d], [d, -d], ] self._r = r # Set covariances self._covs = [np.eye(2) * sigma] * 4 # Create scipy 'random variables' self._vars = [ scipy.stats.multivariate_normal(mode, self._covs[i]) for i, mode in enumerate(self._modes)] # See page 45 of # self._sigma_invs = [np.linalg.inv(self._covs[i]) for i, mode in enumerate(self._modes)] def __call__(self, x): f = np.sum([var.pdf(x) for var in self._vars]) return -float('inf') if f == 0 else np.log(f)
[docs] def distance(self, samples): """ Calculates :meth:`approximate mode-wise KL divergence<kl_divergence>`. See :meth:`pints.toy.ToyLogPDF.distance()`. """ return self.kl_divergence(samples)
[docs] def evaluateS1(self, x): """ See :meth:`LogPDF.evaluateS1()`. """ L = self.__call__(x) denom = np.exp(L) numer = np.sum([np.matmul( self._sigma_invs[i], x - np.array(self._modes[i]) ) * var.pdf(x) for i, var in enumerate(self._vars)], axis=0) return L, -numer / denom
[docs] def kl_divergence(self, samples): """ Calculates a heuristic score for how well a given set of samples matches this LogPDF's underlying distribution, based on Kullback-Leibler divergence of the individual modes. This only works well if the modes are nicely separated, i.e. for larger values of ``r``. """ dimension = 2 # Check size of input if not len(samples.shape) == 2: raise ValueError('Given samples list must be n x 2.') if samples.shape[1] != dimension: raise ValueError( 'Given samples must have length ' + str(dimension)) # Separate samples into quadrants q12 = samples[samples[:, 1] >= 0] q34 = samples[samples[:, 1] < 0] q1 = q12[q12[:, 0] >= 0] q2 = q12[q12[:, 0] < 0] q3 = q34[q34[:, 0] < 0] q4 = q34[q34[:, 0] >= 0] qs = [q1, q2, q3, q4] # Calculate kullback-leibler for each quadrant-mode pair dkls = np.array([0, 0, 0, 0], dtype=float) for i, q in enumerate(qs): if len(q) == 0: continue m0 = np.mean(q, axis=0) s0 = np.cov(q.T) m1 = self._modes[i] s1 = self._covs[i] cov_inv = np.linalg.inv(s1) dkl1 = np.trace( dkl2 = - m0).T, cov_inv).dot(m1 - m0) dkl3 = np.log(np.linalg.det(s1) / np.linalg.det(s0)) dkls[i] = 0.5 * (dkl1 + dkl2 + dkl3 - dimension) # No samples in a given quadrant? Then use 100 times max divergence penalty1 = 100 * np.max(dkls) dkls[dkls == 0] = penalty1 # Sum divergences together score = np.sum(dkls) # Penalise unequal distribution of the points, and return ns = [len(q) for q in qs] penalty2 = np.max(ns) / max(1, np.min(ns)) return score * penalty2
[docs] def n_parameters(self): """ See :meth:`pints.LogPDF.n_parameters()`. """ return 2
[docs] def sample(self, n): """ See :meth:`ToyLogPDF.sample()`. """ if n < 0: raise ValueError('Number of samples cannot be negative.') # Calculate number of samples from each distribution weights = [0.25] * 4 ns = np.sum(scipy.stats.multinomial.rvs(1, weights, n), axis=0) # Draw samples from each distribution, then join them together x = [v.rvs(ns[i]) for i, v in enumerate(self._vars)] x = np.vstack(x) # Shuffle the samples and return np.random.shuffle(x) return x
[docs] def suggested_bounds(self): """ See :meth:`ToyLogPDF.suggested_bounds()`. """ magnitude = self._r * self._sigma * 2 bounds = np.tile([-magnitude, magnitude], (2, 1)) return np.transpose(bounds).tolist()