Source code for pints.toy._hh_ik_model

# Potassium current (IK) toy model based on the model by Hodgkin & Huxley (HH).
# This file is part of PINTS ( which is
# released under the BSD 3-clause license. See accompanying for
# copyright notice and full license details.
import numpy as np
import pints

from . import ToyModel

[docs]class HodgkinHuxleyIKModel(pints.ForwardModel, ToyModel): r""" Toy model based on the potassium current experiments used for Hodgkin and Huxley's 1952 model of the action potential of a squid's giant axon [1]_. A voltage-step protocol is created and applied to an axon, and the elicited potassium current (:math:`I_\text{K}`) is given as model output. The model equations are .. math:: \alpha &= p_1 \frac{-V - 75 + p_2}{\exp[(-V - 75 + p_2) / p_3] - 1} \\ \beta &= p_4 \exp[(-V - 75) / p_5] \\ \frac{dn}{dt} &= \alpha \cdot (1 - n) - \beta \cdot n \\ E_\text{K} &= -88 \\ g_\text{max} &= 36 \\ I_\text{K} &= g_\text{max} \cdot n^4 \cdot (V - E_\text{K}) Where :math:`p_1, p_2, ..., p_5` are the parameters varied in this toy model. During simulation, the membrane potential :math:`V` is varied by holding it at -75mV for 90ms, then at a "step potential" for 10ms. The step potentials are based on the values used in the original paper, and are -69, -64, -56, -49, -43, -37, -24, -12, 1, 13, 25, and 34mV. The protocol is applied in the interval :math:`t = [0, 1200]`, so sampling outside this interval will not provide new information. With the parameter values from :meth:`suggested_parameters`, simulation results will match those in [1]_. Extends :class:`pints.ForwardModel`, :class:`pints.toy.ToyModel`. Parameters ---------- initial_condition : float The initial value of the state variable :math:`n`. References ---------- .. [1] A quantitative description of membrane currents and its application to conduction and excitation in nerve. Hodgkin, Huxley (1952d) Journal of Physiology. Example usage:: model = HodgkinHuxleyIKModel() p0 = model.suggested_parameters() times = model.suggested_times() values = model.simulate(p0, times) import matplotlib.pyplot as plt plt.figure() plt.plot(times, values) Alternatively, the data can be displayed using the :meth:`fold()` method:: plt.figure() for t, v in model.fold(times, values): plt.plot(t, v) """ def __init__(self, initial_condition=0.3): super(HodgkinHuxleyIKModel, self).__init__() # Initial conditions self._n0 = float(initial_condition) if self._n0 <= 0 or self._n0 >= 1: raise ValueError('Initial condition must be > 0 and < 1.') # Reversal potential, in mV self._E_k = -88 # Maximum conductance, in mS/cm^2 self._g_max = 36 # Voltage step protocol self._prepare_protocol()
[docs] def fold(self, times, values): """ Takes a set of times and values as return by this model, and "folds" the individual currents over each other, to create a very common plot in electrophysiology. Returns a list of tuples ``(times, values)`` for each different voltage step. """ # Get modulus of times times = np.mod(times, self._t_both) # Remove all points during t_hold selection = times >= self._t_hold times = times[selection] values = values[selection] # Use the start of the step as t=0 times -= self._t_hold # Find points to split arrays split = 1 + np.argwhere(times[1:] < times[:-1]) split = split.reshape((len(split),)) # Split arrays traces = [] i = 0 for j in split: traces.append((times[i:j], values[i:j])) i = j traces.append((times[i:], values[i:])) return traces
[docs] def n_parameters(self): """ See :meth:`pints.ForwardModel.n_parameters()`. """ return 5
def _prepare_protocol(self): """ Sets up a voltage step protocol for use with this model. The protocol consists of multiple steps, each starting with 90ms at a fixed holding potential, followed by 10ms at a varying step potential. """ self._t_hold = 90 # 90ms at v_hold self._t_step = 10 # 10ms at v_step self._t_both = self._t_hold + self._t_step self._v_hold = -(0 + 75) self._v_step = np.array([ -(-6 + 75), -(-11 + 75), -(-19 + 75), -(-26 + 75), -(-32 + 75), -(-38 + 75), -(-51 + 75), -(-63 + 75), -(-76 + 75), -(-88 + 75), -(-100 + 75), -(-109 + 75), ]) self._n_steps = len(self._v_step) # Protocol duration self._duration = len(self._v_step) * (self._t_hold + self._t_step) # Create list of times when V changes (not including t=0) self._events = np.concatenate(( self._t_both * (1 + np.arange(self._n_steps)), self._t_both * np.arange(self._n_steps) + self._t_hold)) self._events.sort() # List of voltages (not including V(t=0)) self._voltages = np.repeat(self._v_step, 2) self._voltages[1::2] = self._v_hold
[docs] def simulate(self, parameters, times): """ See :meth:`pints.ForwardModel.simulate()`. """ if times[0] < 0: raise ValueError('All times must be positive.') times = np.asarray(times) # Unpack parameters p1, p2, p3, p4, p5 = parameters # Analytically calculate n, during a fixed-voltage step def calculate_n(v, n0, t0, times): a = p1 * (-(v + 75) + p2) / (np.exp((-(v + 75) + p2) / p3) - 1) b = p4 * np.exp((-v - 75) / p5) tau = 1 / (a + b) inf = a * tau return inf - (inf - n0) * np.exp(-(times - t0) / tau) # Output arrays ns = np.zeros(times.shape) vs = np.zeros(times.shape) # Iterate over the step, fill in the output arrays v = self._v_hold t_last = 0 n_last = self._n0 for i, t_next in enumerate(self._events): index = (t_last <= times) * (times < t_next) vs[index] = v ns[index] = calculate_n(v, n_last, t_last, times[index]) n_last = calculate_n(v, n_last, t_last, t_next) t_last = t_next v = self._voltages[i] index = times >= t_next vs[index] = v ns[index] = calculate_n(v, n_last, t_last, times[index]) n_last = calculate_n(v, n_last, t_last, t_next) # Calculate and return current return self._g_max * ns**4 * (vs - self._E_k)
[docs] def suggested_duration(self): """ Returns the duration of the experimental protocol modeled in this toy model. """ return self._duration
[docs] def suggested_parameters(self): """ See :meth:`pints.toy.ToyModel.suggested_parameters()`. Returns an array with the original model parameters used by Hodgkin and Huxley. """ p1 = 0.01 p2 = 10 p3 = 10 p4 = 0.125 p5 = 80 return p1, p2, p3, p4, p5
[docs] def suggested_times(self): """ See :meth:`pints.toy.ToyModel.suggested_times()`. """ fs = 4 return np.arange(self._duration * fs) / fs