Source code for pints.noise

# A number of functions which can be used to generate different types of noise,
# which can then be added to model output to simulate experimental data.
# This file is part of PINTS ( which is
# released under the BSD 3-clause license. See accompanying for
# copyright notice and full license details.

[docs]def independent(sigma, shape): r""" Generates independent Gaussian noise iid :math:`\mathcal{N}(0,\sigma)`. Returns an array of shape ``shape`` containing the generated noise. Parameters ---------- sigma The standard deviation of the noise. Must be zero or greater. shape A tuple (or sequence) defining the shape of the generated noise array. Example ------- :: values = model.simulate(parameters, times) noisy_values = values + noise.independent(5, values.shape) """ import numpy as np # Don't test sigma/shape: handled by numpy for higher-dimensions etc.! return np.random.normal(0, sigma, shape)
[docs]def ar1(rho, sigma, n): r""" Generates first-order autoregressive (AR1) noise that can be added to a vector of simulated data. The generated noise follows the distribution .. math:: e(t) = \rho e(t - 1) + v(t), where :math:`v(t) \stackrel{\text{iid}}{\sim }\mathcal{N}(0, \sigma \sqrt{1 - \rho ^2})`. Returns an array of length ``n`` containing the generated noise. Parameters ---------- rho Determines the magnitude of the noise :math:`\rho` (see above). Must be less than 1. sigma The marginal standard deviation :math:`\sigma` of ``e(t)`` (see above). Must be greater than zero. n The length of the signal. (Only single time-series are supported.) Example ------- :: values = model.simulate(parameters, times) noisy_values = values + noise.ar1(0.9, 5, len(values)) """ import numpy as np if abs(rho) >= 1: raise ValueError( 'Magnitude of rho must be less than 1 (otherwise the process' ' is non-stationary).') if sigma <= 0: raise ValueError('Standard deviation must be positive.') n = int(n) if n < 1: raise ValueError('Number of values to generate must be at least one.') # Generate noise s = sigma * np.sqrt(1 - rho**2) v = np.random.normal(0, s, n) v[0] = np.random.rand() for t in range(1, n): v[t] += rho * v[t - 1] return v
[docs]def arma11(rho, theta, sigma, n): r""" Generates an ARMA(1,1) error process of the form: .. math:: e(t) = (1 - \rho) + \rho * e(t - 1) + v(t) + \theta * v(t-1), where :math:`v(t) \stackrel{\text{iid}}{\sim }\mathcal{N}(0, \sigma ')`, and .. math:: \sigma ' = \sigma \sqrt{\frac{1 - \rho ^ 2}{1 + 2 \theta \rho + \theta ^ 2}}. """ import numpy as np if abs(rho) >= 1: raise ValueError( 'Magnitude of rho must be less than 1 (otherwise the process' ' is non-stationary).') if abs(theta) >= 1.0: raise ValueError('Absolute value of theta must be less than 1 ' + 'so that the process is invertible.') if sigma <= 0: raise ValueError('Standard deviation must be positive.') n = int(n) if n < 1: raise ValueError('Number of values to generate must be at least one.') # Generate noise s = sigma * np.sqrt((1 - rho**2) / (1 + 2 * theta * rho + theta**2)) v = np.random.normal(0, s, n) e = np.zeros(n) e[0] = v[0] for i in range(1, n): e[i] = rho * e[i - 1] + v[i] + theta * v[i - 1] return e
[docs]def ar1_unity(rho, sigma, n): """ Generates noise following an autoregressive order 1 process of mean 1, that a vector of simulated data can be multiplied with. Returns an array of length ``n`` containing the generated noise. Parameters ---------- rho Determines the magnitude of the noise (see :meth:`ar1`). Must be less than or equal to 1. sigma The marginal standard deviation of ``e(t)`` (see :meth:`ar`). Must be greater than 0. n : int The length of the signal. (Only single time-series are supported.) Example ------- :: values = model.simulate(parameters, times) noisy_values = values * noise.ar1_unity(0.5, 0.8, len(values)) """ import numpy as np if abs(rho) >= 1: raise ValueError( 'Magnitude of rho must be less than 1 (otherwise the process is' ' non-stationary).') if sigma <= 0: raise ValueError('Standard deviation must be positive.') n = int(n) if n < 1: raise ValueError('Number of values to generate must be at least one.') # Generate noise v = np.random.normal(0, sigma * np.sqrt(1 - rho**2), n + 1) v[0] = 1 for t in range(1, n + 1): v[t] += (1 - rho) + rho * v[t - 1] return v[1:]
[docs]def arma11_unity(rho, theta, sigma, n): """ Generates an ARMA(1,1) error process of the form: ``e(t) = (1 - rho) + rho * e(t - 1) + v(t) + theta * v[t-1]``, where ``v(t) ~ iid N(0, sigma')``, and ``sigma' = sigma * sqrt((1 - rho^2) / (1 + 2 * theta * rho + theta^2))``. Returns an array of length ``n`` containing the generated noise. Parameters ---------- rho Determines the long-run persistence of the noise (see :meth:`ar1`). Must be less than 1. theta Contributes to first order autocorrelation of noise. Must be less than 1. sigma The marginal standard deviation of ``e(t)`` (see :meth:`ar`). Must be greater than 0. n : int The length of the signal. (Only single time-series are supported.) Example ------- :: values = model.simulate(parameters, times) noisy_values = values * noise.ar1_unity(0.5, 0.8, len(values)) """ import numpy as np if abs(rho) >= 1: raise ValueError( 'Magnitude of rho must be less than 1 (otherwise the process is' ' explosive).') if abs(theta) >= 1.0: raise ValueError('Absolute value of theta must be less than 1 ' + 'so that the process is invertible.') if sigma <= 0: raise ValueError('Standard deviation must be positive.') n = int(n) if n < 1: raise ValueError('Number of values to generate must be at least one.') # Generate noise s = sigma * np.sqrt((1 - rho**2) / (1 + 2 * theta * rho + theta**2)) v = np.random.normal(0, s, n + 1) e = np.zeros(n) e[0] = v[1] for i in range(1, n): e[i] = (1 - rho) + rho * e[i - 1] + v[i] + theta * v[i - 1] return e
[docs]def multiplicative_gaussian(eta, sigma, f): r""" Generates multiplicative Gaussian noise for a single output. With multiplicative noise, the measurement error scales with the magnitude of the output. Given a model taking the form, .. math:: X(t) = f(t; \theta) + \epsilon(t) multiplicative Gaussian noise models the noise term as: .. math:: \epsilon(t) = f(t; \theta)^\eta v(t) where v(t) is iid Gaussian: .. math:: v(t) \stackrel{\text{ iid }}{\sim} \mathcal{N}(0, \sigma) The output magnitudes ``f`` are required as an input to this function. The noise terms are returned in an array of the same shape as ``f``. Parameters ---------- ``eta`` The exponential power controlling the rate at which the noise scales with the output. The argument must be either a float (for single-output or multi-output noise) or an array_like of floats (for multi-output noise only, with one value for each output). ``sigma`` The baseline standard deviation of the noise (must be greater than zero). The argument must be either a float (for single-output or multi-output noise) or an array_like of floats (for multi-output noise only, with one value for each output). ``f`` A NumPy array giving the time-series for the output over time. For multiple outputs, the array should have shape ``(n_outputs, n_times)``. """ import numpy as np f = np.array(f) # Check the dimensions of the inputs if f.ndim > 2: raise ValueError('f must have be of shape (n_outputs, n_times).') if f.ndim == 2: n_outputs = f.shape[0] else: n_outputs = 1 if not np.isscalar(eta): eta = np.array(eta) if eta.ndim > 1 or (eta.shape[0] != 1 and eta.shape[0] != n_outputs): raise ValueError('eta must be a scalar or of shape (n_outputs,).') # Reshape eta so that it broadcasts to f correctly eta = eta[:, np.newaxis] if not np.isscalar(sigma): sigma = np.array(sigma) if sigma.ndim > 1 or (sigma.shape[0] != 1 and sigma.shape[0] != n_outputs): raise ValueError('sigma must be a scalar or of shape ' '(n_outputs,).') # Reshape sigma so that it broadcasts to f correctly sigma = sigma[:, np.newaxis] # Check the values of the inputs if np.isscalar(sigma): if sigma <= 0: raise ValueError('Standard deviation must be greater than zero.') else: if np.any(sigma <= 0): raise ValueError('Standard deviation must be greater than zero.') e = np.random.normal(0, sigma, f.shape) return f ** eta * e