Source code for pints._optimisers._pso

# Particle swarm optimisation (PSO).
# This file is part of PINTS ( which is
# released under the BSD 3-clause license. See accompanying for
# copyright notice and full license details.
# Some code in this file was adapted from Myokit (see
import numpy as np
import pints
import warnings

[docs]class PSO(pints.PopulationBasedOptimiser): """ Finds the best parameters using the PSO method described in [1]_. Particle Swarm Optimisation (PSO) is a global search method (so refinement with a local optimiser is advised!) that works well for problems in high dimensions and with many local minima. Because it treats each parameter independently, it does not require preconditioning of the search space. In a particle swarm optimization, the parameter space is explored by ``n`` independent particles. The particles perform a pseudo-random walk through the parameter space, guided by their own personal best score and the global optimum found so far. The method starts by creating a swarm of ``n`` particles and assigning each an initial position and initial velocity (see the explanation of the arguments ``hints`` and ``v`` for details). Each particle's score is calculated and set as the particle's current best local score ``pl``. The best score of all the particles is set as the best global score ``pg``. Next, an iterative procedure is run that updates each particle's velocity ``v`` and position ``x`` using:: v[k] = v[k-1] + al * (pl - x[k-1]) + ag * (pg - x[k-1]) x[k] = v[k] Here, ``x[t]`` is the particle's current position and ``v[t]`` its current velocity. The values ``al`` and ``ag`` are scalars randomly sampled from a uniform distribution, with values bound by ``r * 4.1`` and ``(1 - r) * 4.1``. Thus a swarm with ``r = 1`` will only use local information, while a swarm with ``r = 0`` will only use global information. The de facto standard is ``r = 0.5``. The random sampling is done each time ``al`` and ``ag`` are used: at each time step every particle performs ``m`` samplings, where ``m`` is the dimensionality of the search space. Pseudo-code algorithm:: almax = r * 4.1 agmax = 4.1 - almax while stopping criterion not met: for i in [1, 2, .., n]: if f(x[i]) < f(p[i]): p[i] = x[i] pg = min(p[1], p[2], .., p[n]) for j in [1, 2, .., m]: al = uniform(0, almax) ag = uniform(0, agmax) v[i,j] += al * (p[i,j] - x[i,j]) + ag * (pg[i,j] - x[i,j]) x[i,j] += v[i,j] Extends :class:`PopulationBasedOptimiser`. References ---------- .. [1] Kennedy, Eberhart (1995) Particle Swarm Optimization. IEEE International Conference on Neural Networks """ def __init__(self, x0, sigma0=None, boundaries=None): super(PSO, self).__init__(x0, sigma0, boundaries) # Set initial state self._running = False self._ready_for_tell = False # Set default settings self.set_local_global_balance()
[docs] def ask(self): """ See :meth:`Optimiser.ask()`. """ # Initialise on first call if not self._running: self._initialise() # Ready for tell now self._ready_for_tell = True # Return a copy of the filtered points (copy is used so that 1. the # user cannot modify the points and mess up the state, and 2. so that # the user can store the points without us modifying them). return np.copy(self._user_xs)
[docs] def fbest(self): """ See :meth:`Optimiser.fbest()`. """ if self._running: return self._fg return float('inf')
def _initialise(self): """ Initialises the optimiser for the first iteration. """ assert(not self._running) # Initialize swarm self._xs = [] # Particle coordinate vectors self._vs = [] # Particle velocity vectors self._fl = [] # Best local score self._pl = [] # Best local position # Set initial positions self._xs.append(np.array(self._x0, copy=True)) if self._boundaries is not None: # Attempt to sample n - 1 points from the boundaries try: self._xs.extend( self._boundaries.sample(self._population_size - 1)) except NotImplementedError: # Not all boundaries implement sampling pass # If we couldn't sample from the boundaries, use gaussian sampling # around x0. for i in range(1, self._population_size): self._xs.append(np.random.normal(self._x0, self._sigma0)) self._xs = np.array(self._xs, copy=True) # Set initial velocities for i in range(self._population_size): self._vs.append(1e-1 * self._sigma0 * np.random.uniform(0, 1, self._n_parameters)) # Set initial scores and local best for i in range(self._population_size): self._fl.append(float('inf')) self._pl.append(self._xs[i]) # Set global best position and score self._fg = float('inf') self._pg = self._xs[0] # Create boundary transform, or use manual boundary checking self._manual_boundaries = False self._boundary_transform = None if isinstance(self._boundaries, pints.RectangularBoundaries): self._boundary_transform = pints.TriangleWaveTransform( self._boundaries) elif self._boundaries is not None: self._manual_boundaries = True # Create safe xs to pass to user if self._boundary_transform is not None: # Rectangular boundaries? Then apply transform to xs self._xs = self._boundary_transform(self._xs) if self._manual_boundaries: # Manual boundaries? Then filter out out-of-bounds points from xs self._user_ids = np.nonzero( [self._boundaries.check(x) for x in self._xs]) self._user_xs = self._xs[self._user_ids] if len(self._user_xs) == 0: # pragma: no cover warnings.warn( 'All initial PSO particles are outside the boundaries.') else: self._user_xs = self._xs # Set local/global exploration balance self.set_local_global_balance() # Update optimiser state self._running = True def _log_init(self, logger): """ See :meth:`Loggable._log_init()`. """ # Show best position of each particle for i in range(self._population_size): logger.add_float('f' + str(i), file_only=True) def _log_write(self, logger): """ See :meth:`Loggable._log_write()`. """ # Show best position of each particle for f in self._fl: logger.log(f)
[docs] def name(self): """ See :meth:``. """ return 'Particle Swarm Optimisation (PSO)'
[docs] def running(self): """ See :meth:`Optimiser.running()`. """ return self._running
[docs] def set_local_global_balance(self, r=0.5): """ Set the balance between local and global exploration for each particle, using a parameter `r` such that `r = 1` is a fully local search and `r = 0` is a fully global search. """ if self._running: raise Exception('Cannot change settings during run.') # Check r r = float(r) if r < 0 or r > 1: raise ValueError('Parameter r must be in the range 0-1.') # Set almax and agmax based on r _amax = 4.1 self._almax = r * _amax self._agmax = _amax - self._almax
[docs] def n_hyper_parameters(self): """ See :meth:`TunableMethod.n_hyper_parameters()`. """ return 2
[docs] def set_hyper_parameters(self, x): """ The hyper-parameter vector is ``[population_size, local_global_balance]``. See :meth:`TunableMethod.set_hyper_parameters()`. """ self.set_population_size(x[0]) self.set_local_global_balance(x[1])
def _suggested_population_size(self): """ See :meth:`Optimiser._suggested_population_size(). """ return 4 + int(3 * np.log(self._n_parameters))
[docs] def tell(self, fx): """ See :meth:`Optimiser.tell()`. """ if not self._ready_for_tell: raise Exception('ask() not called before tell()') self._ready_for_tell = False # Manual boundaries? Then reconstruct full fx vector if self._manual_boundaries and len(fx) < self._population_size: user_fx = fx fx = np.ones((self._population_size, )) * float('inf') fx[self._user_ids] = user_fx # Update particles for i in range(self._population_size): # Update best local position and score if fx[i] < self._fl[i]: self._fl[i] = fx[i] self._pl[i] = np.array(self._xs[i], copy=True) # Calculate "velocity" al = np.random.uniform(0, self._almax, self._n_parameters) ag = np.random.uniform(0, self._agmax, self._n_parameters) self._vs[i] += ( al * (self._pl[i] - self._xs[i]) + ag * (self._pg - self._xs[i])) # Reduce speed if going too fast, as indicated by going out of # bounds. # This is not in the original algorithm but seems to work well if self._boundaries is not None: if not self._boundaries.check(self._xs[i] + self._vs[i]): self._vs[i] *= 0.5 # Update position self._xs[i] += self._vs[i] # Create safe xs to pass to user if self._boundary_transform is not None: # Rectangular boundaries? Then apply transform to xs self._user_xs = self._xs = self._boundary_transform(self._xs) elif self._manual_boundaries: # Manual boundaries? Then filter out out-of-bounds points from xs self._user_ids = np.nonzero( [self._boundaries.check(x) for x in self._xs]) self._user_xs = self._xs[self._user_ids] if len(self._user_xs) == 0: # pragma: no cover warnings.warn('All PSO particles are outside the boundaries.') else: self._user_xs = self._xs # Update global best score i = np.argmin(self._fl) if self._fl[i] < self._fg: self._fg = self._fl[i] self._pg = np.array(self._pl[i], copy=True)
[docs] def xbest(self): """ See :meth:`Optimiser.xbest()`. """ if self._running: return np.array(self._pg, copy=True) return np.array(self._x0, copy=True)