Source code for pints._mcmc._population

# Population MCMC
# This file is part of PINTS ( which is
# released under the BSD 3-clause license. See accompanying for
# copyright notice and full license details.
import pints
import numpy as np

[docs]class PopulationMCMC(pints.SingleChainMCMC): """ Creates a chain of samples from a target distribution, using the population MCMC (simulated tempering) routine described in algorithm 1 in [1]_. This method uses several chains internally, but only a single one is updated per iteration, and only a single one is returned at the end, hence this method is classified here as a single chain MCMC method. The algorithm goes through the following steps (after initialising ``N`` internal chains): 1. Mutation: randomly select chain ``i`` and update the chain using a Markov kernel that admits ``p_i`` as its invariant distribution. 2. Exchange: Select another chain ``j`` at random from the remaining and swap the parameter vector of ``i`` and ``j`` with probability ``min(1, A)``, ``A = p_i(x_j) * p_j(x_i) / (p_i(x_i) * p_j(x_j))`` where ``x_i`` and ``x_j`` are the current values of chains ``i`` and ``j``, respectively, where ``p_i = p(theta|data) ^ (1 - T_i)``, where ``p(theta|data)`` is the target distribution and ``T_i`` is bounded between ``[0, 1]`` and represents a tempering parameter. We use a range of ``T = (0,delta_T,...,1)``, where ``delta_T = 1 / num_temperatures``, and the chain with ``T_i = 0`` is the one whose target distribution we want to sample. Extends :class:`SingleChainMCMC`. References ---------- .. [1] "On population-based simulation for static inference", Ajay Jasra, David A. Stephens and Christopher C. Holmes, Statistical Computing, 2007. """ def __init__(self, x0, sigma0=None): super(PopulationMCMC, self).__init__(x0, sigma0) # Set initial state self._running = False # Current points, and their (untempered) log pdfs self._current = None self._current_log_pdfs = None # Single proposed point self._proposed = None # Inner samplers / chains self._chains = None # # Default settings # self._method = pints.HaarioBardenetACMC self._needs_initial_phase = True self._in_initial_phase = self._needs_initial_phase # Temperature schedule self._schedule = None self.set_temperature_schedule() # # Logging # self._have_exchanged = False
[docs] def ask(self): """ See :meth:`SingleChainMCMC.ask()`. """ # Initialise on first call if not self._running: self._initialise() # Propose new points if self._proposed is None: # Select chains/samplers to update and exchange/crossover self._i, self._j = np.random.choice( len(self._chains), 2, replace=False) # Propose new point (already set as write-only, or copied) self._proposed = self._chains[self._i].ask() # Return proposed point return self._proposed
[docs] def in_initial_phase(self): """ See :meth:`MCMCController.in_initial_phase()`. """ return self._in_initial_phase
def _initialise(self): """ Initialises the routine before the first iteration. """ if self._running: raise RuntimeError('Already initialised.') # Create inner samplers n = len(self._schedule) self._chains = [self._method(self._x0, self._sigma0) for i in range(n)] # Set initial phase for methods that need it if self._needs_initial_phase: for chain in self._chains: chain.set_initial_phase(self._in_initial_phase) # Propose initial point self._current = None self._current_log_pdfs = None self._proposed = self._x0 # Next chain to update self._i = 0 # Next chain to exchange / crossover with self._j = 1 # Ask all inner samplers for first point, which should be x0 for chain in self._chains: x0 = chain.ask() assert(np.all(x0 == self._x0)) # Update sampler state self._running = True def _log_init(self, logger): """ See :meth:`Loggable._log_init()`. """ n = len(self._schedule) logger.add_counter('i', max_value=n) logger.add_counter('j', max_value=n) logger.add_string('Ex.', width=3) def _log_write(self, logger): """ See :meth:`Loggable._log_write()`. """ logger.log(self._i) logger.log(self._j) logger.log('yes' if self._have_exchanged else 'no')
[docs] def name(self): """ See :meth:``. """ return 'Population MCMC'
[docs] def needs_initial_phase(self): """ See :meth:`pints.MCMCSampler.needs_initial_phase()`. """ return self._needs_initial_phase
[docs] def set_initial_phase(self, phase): """ See :meth:`MCMCController.set_initial_phase()`. """ if self._needs_initial_phase: self._in_initial_phase = bool(phase) if self._running: for chain in self._chains: chain.set_initial_phase(self._in_initial_phase)
[docs] def set_temperature_schedule(self, schedule=10): """ Sets a temperature schedule. If ``schedule`` is an ``int`` it is interpreted as the number of temperatures and a schedule is generated accordingly. If ``schedule`` is a list (or array) it is interpreted as a custom temperature schedule. """ if self._running: raise RuntimeError( 'Temperature schedule cannot be changed during run.') # Check type of schedule argument if np.isscalar(schedule): # Set using int schedule = int(schedule) if schedule < 2: raise ValueError( 'A schedule must contain at least two temperatures.') self._schedule = np.linspace(0, 0.95, schedule) self._schedule.setflags(write=False) else: # Set to custom schedule schedule = pints.vector(schedule) if len(schedule) < 2: raise ValueError( 'A schedule must contain at least two temperatures.') if schedule[0] != 0: raise ValueError( 'First element of temperature schedule must be 0.') # Check vector elements all between 0 and 1 (inclusive) if np.any(schedule < 0): raise ValueError('Temperatures must be non-negative.') if np.any(schedule > 1): raise ValueError('Temperatures cannot exceed 1.') # Store self._schedule = schedule
[docs] def tell(self, fx): """ See :meth:`pints.SingleChainMCMC.tell()`. """ # Check if we had a proposal if self._proposed is None: raise RuntimeError('Tell called before proposal was set.') # Ensure fx is a float fx = float(fx) # Note: fx is the log of a pdf, so f(x) = log(p(x)) # # Tempering # p_i(x) = p(x)^(1 - T[i]) # simplifies to: # f_i(x) = log(p(x)^(1 - T[i])) # = log(p(x)) * (1 - T[i]) # = f(x) * (1 - T[i]) # # The expression used in cross-over is # # A = p_i(x_j) * p_j(x_i) / (p_i(x_i) * p_j(x_j)) # accept if u(0, 1) < min(1, A) # # where p_i(x_j) = p(x_j) ^ (1 - T[i]). # # Which becomes # # log(A) = f_i(x_j) + f_j(x_i) - f_i(x_i) - f_j(x_j) # accept if log(u(0, 1)) <= min(0, log(A)) # # or # # accept if log(A) >= 0 or log(A) >= log(u(0, 1)) # # First point? if self._current is None: # Pass tempered fx to inner chains (ignore returned x0) for i, chain in enumerate(self._chains): chain.tell(fx * (1 - self._schedule[i])) # Always accept n = len(self._chains) self._current = np.array([self._x0] * n) # Store untempered logpdfs self._current_log_pdfs = np.array([fx] * n) # Clear proposal self._proposed = None # Return first point for chain 0 sample = np.array(self._current[0], copy=False) sample.setflags(write=False) return sample, self._current_log_pdfs[0], True # Perform mutation step (update one chain) # Update chain, get new sample sample, sample_log_pdf, accepted = self._chains[self._i].tell( fx * (1 - self._schedule[self._i])) # Update current sample and untempered log pdf if accepted: # Don't use sample_log_pdf here, which is tempered self._current[self._i] = sample self._current_log_pdfs[self._i] = fx # Clear proposal self._proposed = None # Perform exchange step # Get current positions and untempered log pdfs for both chains f_xi = self._current_log_pdfs[self._i] f_xj = self._current_log_pdfs[self._j] # Calculate current tempered log likelihoods fi_xi = (1 - self._schedule[self._i]) * f_xi fj_xj = (1 - self._schedule[self._j]) * f_xj # Calculate tempered log likelihoods of proposed points, after exchange # Where fi_j = f(T[i], x[j]) = tempered log pdf for x[j] with T[i] fi_xj = (1 - self._schedule[self._i]) * f_xj fj_xi = (1 - self._schedule[self._j]) * f_xi # Accept/reject exchange step (b = log(A)) self._have_exchanged = False b = fi_xj + fj_xi - fi_xi - fj_xj if not np.isnan(b): if b > 0 or b > np.log(np.random.uniform(0, 1)): # Copy arrays for current points: without the copy() operation # this is unsafe, as it places references to arrays in other # arrays, so that the contents can (and will) still be changed! xi = np.copy(self._current[self._i]) xj = np.copy(self._current[self._j]) # Swap current points and untempered log pdfs self._current[self._i] = xj self._current[self._j] = xi self._current_log_pdfs[self._i] = f_xj self._current_log_pdfs[self._j] = f_xi # Replace points and temperered log pdfs inside samplers self._chains[self._i].replace(xj, fi_xj) self._chains[self._j].replace(xi, fj_xi) # Update state self._have_exchanged = True # Return "accepted" any time the zero-chain moves changed = accepted and self._i == 0 changed |= self._have_exchanged and (self._i == 0 or self._j == 0) # Return new point for chain 0 return np.copy(self._current[0]), self._current_log_pdfs[0], changed
[docs] def temperature_schedule(self): """ Returns the temperature schedule used in the tempering algorithm. Each temperature ``T`` pertains to particular chain whose stationary distribution is ``p(theta|data) ^ (1 - T)``. """ return self._schedule
[docs] def n_hyper_parameters(self): """ See :meth:`TunableMethod.n_hyper_parameters()`. """ return 1
[docs] def set_hyper_parameters(self, x): """ The hyper-parameter vector is ``[n_temperatures]``, where ``n_temperatures`` is an integer that will be passed to :meth:`set_temperature_schedule`. Note that, since the hyper-parameter vector should be 1d (without nesting), setting an explicit temperature schedule is not supported via the hyper-parameter interface. See :meth:`TunableMethod.set_hyper_parameters()`. """ try: n_temperatures = int(x[0]) except TypeError: raise ValueError( 'First hyper-parameter must be (convertible to) an integer' ' (setting an explicit schedule is not supported through the' ' hyper-parameter interface).') self.set_temperature_schedule(n_temperatures)