Source code for pints._mcmc._nuts

# No-U-Turn Sampler (NUTS) MCMC method
# This file is part of PINTS ( which is
# released under the BSD 3-clause license. See accompanying for
# copyright notice and full license details.
import asyncio
import pints
import numpy as np

class NutsState(object):
    Class to hold information about the current state of the NUTS hamiltonian
    integration path.

    NUTS builds up the integration path implicitly via recursion up a binary
    tree, this class handles combining states from different subtrees (see
    `update`). The algorithm integrates both backwards ("minus") and forwards
    ("plus") in time, so this state must keep track of both end points of the
    integration path.


    theta_minus: ndarray
        parameter value at the backwards end of the integration path

    theta_plus: ndarray
        parameter value at the forwards end of the integration path

    r_minus: ndarray
        momentum value at the backwards end of the integration path

    r_plus: ndarray
        momentum value at the forwards end of the integration path

    L_minus: float
        logpdf value at the backwards end of the integration path

    L_plus: float
        logpdf value at the forwards end of the integration path

    grad_L_minus: float
        gradient of logpdf at the backwards end of the integration path

    grad_L_plus: float
        gradient of logpdf at the forwards end of the integration path

    n: int or float
        the weight given to each subtree

    s: int
        0 if sufficient leapfrog steps have been taken, 1 otherwise

    theta: ndarray
        the current accepted point along the path

    L: float
        the logpdf of the current accepted point

    grad_L: float
        the gradient of the logpdf at the current accepted point

    alpha: float
        the acceptance probability

    n_alpha: float
        a count of the points along this path

    divergent: boolean
        True if one of the points in the tree was divergent


    def __init__(self, theta, r, L, grad_L, n, s, alpha, n_alpha, divergent,
        self.theta_minus = np.copy(theta)
        self.theta_plus = np.copy(theta)
        self.r_minus = np.copy(r)
        self.r_plus = np.copy(r)
        self.r_sum = np.copy(r)
        self.L_minus = np.copy(L)
        self.L_plus = np.copy(L)
        self.grad_L_minus = np.copy(grad_L)
        self.grad_L_plus = np.copy(grad_L)
        self.n = n
        self.s = s
        self.theta = np.copy(theta)
        self.L = L
        self.grad_L = np.copy(grad_L)
        self.alpha = alpha
        self.n_alpha = n_alpha
        self.divergent = divergent
        self.inv_mass_matrix = inv_mass_matrix

    def update(self, other_state, direction, root):
        if ``root == True``, this combines a depth j subtree (``self``) with a
        depth j+1 (``other_state``) subtree, which corresponds to the higher
        level loop in the nuts algorithm.

        if ``root == False``, this combines two subtrees with depth j, which
        occurs when the nuts algorithm is implicitly building up the tree with
        the build_tree subroutine.

        direction is the current direction of integration, either forwards
        (``direction == 1``), or backwards (``direction = -1``).

        # update the appropriate end of the tree according to what direction we
        # are integrating
        if direction == -1:
            self.theta_minus = other_state.theta_minus
            self.r_minus = other_state.r_minus
            r_minus_plus = other_state.r_plus
            r_plus_minus = self.r_minus
            r_sum_minus = other_state.r_sum
            r_sum_plus = self.r_sum
            self.L_minus = other_state.L_minus
            self.grad_L_minus = other_state.grad_L_minus
            self.theta_plus = other_state.theta_plus
            self.r_plus = other_state.r_plus
            r_minus_plus = self.r_plus
            r_plus_minus = other_state.r_minus
            r_sum_minus = self.r_sum
            r_sum_plus = other_state.r_sum
            self.L_plus = other_state.L_plus
            self.grad_L_plus = other_state.grad_L_plus

        # Notes: alpha and n_alpha are only accumulated within build_tree
        # Update: perhaps not according to stan code...
        if root:
            self.alpha += other_state.alpha
            self.n_alpha += other_state.n_alpha
            self.alpha += other_state.alpha
            self.n_alpha += other_state.n_alpha

        # propogate divergence up the tree
        self.divergent |= other_state.divergent

        self.s *= other_state.s

        # check if chain is stopping
        if self.s == 0:

        # for non-root merges accumulate tree weightings before probability
        # calculation
        if not root:
            self.n = np.logaddexp(self.n, other_state.n)

        # accept a new point based on the weighting of the two trees
        p = min(1, np.exp(other_state.n - self.n))

        if p > 0.0 and np.random.uniform() < p:
            self.theta = other_state.theta
            self.L = other_state.L
            self.grad_L = other_state.grad_L

        # for root merges accumulate tree weightings after probability
        # calculation
        if root:
            self.n = np.logaddexp(self.n, other_state.n)

        # integrate momentum over chain
        self.r_sum += other_state.r_sum

        # test if the path has done a U-Turn, if we are stopping due to a
        # U-turn or a divergent iteration propogate this up the tree with
        # self.s
        if self.inv_mass_matrix.ndim == 1:
            r_sharp_minus = self.inv_mass_matrix * self.r_minus
            r_sharp_plus = self.inv_mass_matrix * self.r_plus
            r_sharp_plus_minus = self.inv_mass_matrix * r_plus_minus
            r_sharp_minus_plus = self.inv_mass_matrix * r_minus_plus
            r_sharp_minus =
            r_sharp_plus =
            r_sharp_plus_minus =
            r_sharp_minus_plus =

        # test merged trees
        self.s *= int((self.r_sum).dot(r_sharp_minus) > 0)
        self.s *= int((self.r_sum).dot(r_sharp_plus) > 0)

        # test across subtrees
        self.s *= int((r_sum_minus + r_plus_minus).dot(r_sharp_minus) > 0)
        self.s *= int((r_sum_minus + r_plus_minus).dot(r_sharp_plus_minus) > 0)

        self.s *= int((r_sum_plus + r_minus_plus).dot(r_sharp_minus_plus) > 0)
        self.s *= int((r_sum_plus + r_minus_plus).dot(r_sharp_plus) > 0)

def kinetic_energy(r, inv_mass_matrix):
    if inv_mass_matrix.ndim == 1:
        return 0.5 * np.inner(r, inv_mass_matrix * r)
        return 0.5 * np.inner(r,

# All the functions below are written as coroutines to enable the recursive
# nuts algorithm to be written using the ask-and-tell interface used by PINTS,
# see main coroutine function ``nuts_sampler`` for more details

def leapfrog(theta, L, grad_L, r, epsilon, inv_mass_matrix):
    performs a leapfrog step using a step_size ``epsilon`` and an inverse mass
    matrix ``inv_mass_matrix``.

    The inverse mass matrix can be a 2 dimensional ndarray, in which case it is
    interpreted as a dense matrix, or a 1 dimensional ndarray, in which case it
    is interpreted as a diagonal matrix.
    r_new = r + 0.5 * epsilon * grad_L
    if inv_mass_matrix.ndim == 1:
        theta_new = theta + epsilon * inv_mass_matrix * r_new
        theta_new = theta + epsilon *
    L_new, grad_L_new = (yield theta_new)
    r_new += 0.5 * epsilon * grad_L_new
    return L_new, grad_L_new, theta_new, r_new

def build_tree(state, v, j, adaptor, hamiltonian0, hamiltonian_threshold):
    Implicitly build up a subtree of depth ``j`` for the NUTS sampler.
    if j == 0:
        # Base case - take one leapfrog in the direction v
        if v == -1:
            theta = state.theta_minus
            r = state.r_minus
            L = state.L_minus
            grad_L = state.grad_L_minus
            theta = state.theta_plus
            r = state.r_plus
            L = state.L_plus
            grad_L = state.grad_L_plus

        L_dash, grad_L_dash, theta_dash, r_dash = \
            yield from leapfrog(theta, L, grad_L, r, v * adaptor.get_epsilon(),
        hamiltonian_dash = L_dash \
            - kinetic_energy(r_dash, adaptor.get_inv_mass_matrix())

        if np.isnan(hamiltonian_dash):
            comparison = float('-inf')
            comparison = hamiltonian_dash - hamiltonian0
        n_dash = comparison
        alpha_dash = min(1.0, np.exp(comparison))

        divergent = -comparison > hamiltonian_threshold
        s_dash = int(not divergent)

        n_alpha_dash = 1
        return NutsState(
            theta_dash, r_dash, L_dash, grad_L_dash, n_dash, s_dash,
            alpha_dash, n_alpha_dash, divergent,

        # Recursion - implicitly build the left and right subtrees
        state_dash = yield from  \
            build_tree(state, v, j - 1, adaptor, hamiltonian0,

        if state_dash.s == 1:
            state_double_dash = yield from \
                build_tree(state_dash, v, j - 1, adaptor, hamiltonian0,
            state_dash.update(state_double_dash, direction=v, root=False)

        return state_dash

def find_reasonable_epsilon(theta, L, grad_L, inv_mass_matrix):
    Pick a reasonable value of epsilon close to when the acceptance
    probability of the Langevin proposal crosses 0.5. This is based on
    Algorithm 4 in [1]_ (with scaled mass matrix as per section 4.2).

    Note: inv_mass_matrix can be a 1-d ndarray and in this case is interpreted
    as a diagonal matrix, or can be given as a fully dense 2-d ndarray.

    # intialise at epsilon = 1.0 (shouldn't matter where we start)
    epsilon = 1.0

    # randomly sample momentum
    if inv_mass_matrix.ndim == 1:
        r = np.random.normal(
            np.sqrt(1.0 / inv_mass_matrix)
        r = np.random.multivariate_normal(
    hamiltonian = L - kinetic_energy(r, inv_mass_matrix)
    L_dash, grad_L_dash, theta_dash, r_dash = \
        yield from leapfrog(theta, L, grad_L, r, epsilon, inv_mass_matrix)
    hamiltonian_dash = L_dash - kinetic_energy(r_dash, inv_mass_matrix)
    if np.isnan(hamiltonian_dash):
        comparison = float('-inf')
        comparison = hamiltonian_dash - hamiltonian

    # determine whether we are doubling or halving
    alpha = 2 * int(comparison > np.log(0.5)) - 1

    # double or half epsilon until acceptance probability crosses 0.5
    while comparison * alpha > np.log(2) * (-alpha):
        epsilon = 2**alpha * epsilon
        L_dash, grad_L_dash, theta_dash, r_dash = \
            yield from leapfrog(theta, L, grad_L, r, epsilon, inv_mass_matrix)
        hamiltonian_dash = L_dash - kinetic_energy(r_dash, inv_mass_matrix)
        if np.isnan(hamiltonian_dash):  # pragma: no cover
            comparison = float('-inf')
            comparison = hamiltonian_dash - hamiltonian
    return epsilon

def nuts_sampler(x0, delta, num_adaption_steps, sigma0,
                 hamiltonian_threshold, max_tree_depth,
    The dual averaging NUTS mcmc sampler given in Algorithm 6 of [1]_.
    Implements the multinomial sampling suggested in [2]_. Implements a mass
    matrix for the dynamics, which is detailed in [2]_. Both the step size and
    the mass matrix is adapted using a combination of the dual averaging
    detailed in [1]_ and the windowed adaption for the mass matrix and step
    size implemented in the Stan library (

    Implemented as a coroutine that continually generates new theta values to
    evaluate (L, L') at. Users must send (L, L') back to the coroutine to
    continue execution. The end of an mcmc step is signalled by generating a
    tuple of values (theta, L, acceptance probability, number of leapfrog


    x0: ndarray
        starting point
    delta: float
        target acceptance probability (Dual Averaging scheme)
    num_adaption_steps: int
        number of adaption steps (Dual Averaging scheme)
    hamiltonian_threshold: float
        threshold to test divergent iterations
    max_tree_depth: int
        maximum tree depth
    use_dense_mass_matrix: bool
        if False, use a diagonal mass matrix, if True use a fully dense mass

    .. [1] Hoffman, M. D., & Gelman, A. (2014). The No-U-Turn sampler:
           adaptively setting path lengths in Hamiltonian Monte Carlo.
           Journal of Machine Learning Research, 15(1), 1593-1623.

    .. [2] Betancourt, M. (2018). `A Conceptual Introduction to Hamiltonian
           Monte Carlo`,

    # Initialise sampler with x0 and calculate logpdf
    theta = x0
    L, grad_L = (yield theta)

    # Check first point is somewhere sensible
    if not np.isfinite(L):
        raise ValueError(
            'Initial point for MCMC must have finite logpdf.')

    # pick the initial inverse mass matrix as the provided sigma0.
    # reduce to a diagonal matrix if not using a dense mass matrix
    if use_dense_mass_matrix:
        init_inv_mass_matrix = sigma0
        init_inv_mass_matrix = 1e-3 * np.eye(len(x0))
        init_inv_mass_matrix = np.diag(sigma0)
        init_inv_mass_matrix = 1e-3 * np.ones(len(x0))

    # find a good value to start epsilon at (this will later be refined so that
    # the acceptance probability matches delta)
    epsilon = yield from find_reasonable_epsilon(theta, L, grad_L,

    # create adaption for epsilon and mass matrix
    adaptor = pints.DualAveragingAdaption(
        num_adaption_steps, delta, epsilon, init_inv_mass_matrix)

    # start at iteration 1
    m = 1

    # provide an infinite generator of mcmc steps....
    while True:
        # randomly sample momentum
        if use_dense_mass_matrix:
            r0 = np.random.multivariate_normal(
                np.zeros(len(theta)), adaptor.get_mass_matrix())
            r0 = np.random.normal(np.zeros(len(theta)),

        hamiltonian0 = L - kinetic_energy(r0, adaptor.get_inv_mass_matrix())

        # create initial integration path state
        state = NutsState(theta=theta, r=r0, L=L, grad_L=grad_L,
                          n=0.0, s=1, alpha=1, n_alpha=1, divergent=False,
        j = 0

        # build up an integration path with 2^j points, stopping when we either
        # encounter a U-Turn, or reach a max number of points 2^max_tree_depth
        while j < max_tree_depth and state.s == 1:

            # pick a random direction to integrate in
            # (to maintain detailed balance)
            if np.random.randint(0, 2):
                vj = 1
                vj = -1

            # recursivly build up tree in that direction
            state_dash = yield from \
                build_tree(state, vj, j, adaptor,
                           hamiltonian0, hamiltonian_threshold)

            state.update(state_dash, direction=vj, root=True)

            j += 1

        # update current position in chain
        theta = state.theta
        L = state.L
        grad_L = state.grad_L

        # adapt epsilon and mass matrix using dual averaging
        restart_stepsize_adapt = \
            adaptor.step(state.theta, state.alpha / state.n_alpha)
        if restart_stepsize_adapt:
            epsilon = yield from \
                find_reasonable_epsilon(theta, L, grad_L,

        # signal calling process that mcmc step is complete by passing a tuple
        # (rather than an ndarray)
        yield (theta,
               state.alpha / state.n_alpha,

        # next step
        m += 1

[docs]class NoUTurnMCMC(pints.SingleChainMCMC): r""" Implements the No U-Turn Sampler (NUTS) with dual averaging, as described in Algorithm 6 in [1]_. Implements the multinomial sampling suggested in [2]_. Implements a mass matrix for the dynamics, which is detailed in [2]_. Both the step size and the mass matrix is adapted using a combination of the dual averaging detailed in [1]_, and the windowed adaption for the mass matrix and step size implemented in the Stan library ( Like Hamiltonian Monte Carlo, NUTS imagines a particle moving over negative log-posterior (NLP) space to generate proposals. Naturally, the particle tends to move to locations of low NLP -- meaning high posterior density. Unlike HMC, NUTS allows the number of steps taken through parameter space to depend on position, allowing local adaptation. Note: This sampler is only supported on Python versions 3.3 and newer. Extends :class:`SingleChainMCMC`. References ---------- .. [1] Hoffman, M. D., & Gelman, A. (2014). The No-U-Turn sampler: adaptively setting path lengths in Hamiltonian Monte Carlo. Journal of Machine Learning Research, 15(1), 1593-1623. .. [2] Betancourt, M. (2018). `A Conceptual Introduction to Hamiltonian Monte Carlo`, """ def __init__(self, x0, sigma0=None): super(NoUTurnMCMC, self).__init__(x0, sigma0) # hyperparameters self._num_adaption_steps = 500 self._delta = 0.8 self._step_size = None self._max_tree_depth = 10 self._use_dense_mass_matrix = False # Default threshold for Hamiltonian divergences # (currently set to match Stan) self._hamiltonian_threshold = 10**3 # coroutine nuts sampler self._nuts = None # number of mcmc iterations self._mcmc_iteration = 0 # Logging self._last_log_write = 0 self._mcmc_acceptance = 0 self._n_leapfrog = 0 # current point in chain self._current = self._x0 # next point to ask user to evaluate self._next = self._current # Set initial state self._running = False self._ready_for_tell = False # Divergence checking # Create a vector of divergent iterations self._divergent = np.asarray([], dtype='int')
[docs] def ask(self): """ See :meth:`SingleChainMCMC.ask()`. """ # Check ask/tell pattern if self._ready_for_tell: raise RuntimeError('Ask() called when expecting call to tell().') # Initialise on first call if not self._running: self._nuts = nuts_sampler(self._x0, self._delta, self._num_adaption_steps, self._sigma0, self._hamiltonian_threshold, self._max_tree_depth, self._use_dense_mass_matrix) # coroutine will ask for self._x0 self._next = next(self._nuts) self._running = True self._ready_for_tell = True return np.array(self._next, copy=True)
[docs] def delta(self): """ Returns delta used in leapfrog algorithm. """ return self._delta
[docs] def divergent_iterations(self): """ Returns the iteration number of any divergent iterations. """ return self._divergent
[docs] def hamiltonian_threshold(self): """ Returns threshold difference in Hamiltonian value from one iteration to next which determines whether an iteration is divergent. """ return self._hamiltonian_threshold
def _log_init(self, logger): """ See :meth:`Loggable._log_init()`. """ logger.add_float('Accept.') logger.add_counter('Steps.') def _log_write(self, logger): """ See :meth:`Loggable._log_write()`. """ # print nothing if no mcmc iterations since last log if self._last_log_write == self._mcmc_iteration: logger.log(None) logger.log(None) else: logger.log(self._mcmc_acceptance) logger.log(self._n_leapfrog) self._mcmc_acceptance = 0 self._n_leapfrog = 0 self._last_log_write = self._mcmc_iteration
[docs] def max_tree_depth(self): """ Returns the maximum tree depth ``D`` for the algorithm. For each iteration, the number of leapfrog steps will not be greater than ``2^D``. """ return self._max_tree_depth
[docs] def n_hyper_parameters(self): """ See :meth:`TunableMethod.n_hyper_parameters()`. """ return 1
[docs] def name(self): """ See :meth:``. """ return 'No-U-Turn MCMC'
[docs] def needs_sensitivities(self): """ See :meth:`pints.MCMCSampler.needs_sensitivities()`. """ return True
[docs] def number_adaption_steps(self): """ Returns number of adaption steps used in the NUTS algorithm. """ return self._num_adaption_steps
[docs] def set_delta(self, delta): """ Sets delta for the nuts algorithm. This is the goal acceptance probability for the algorithm. Used to set the scalar magnitude of the leapfrog step size. """ if self._running: raise RuntimeError('cannot set delta while sampler is running') if delta < 0 or delta > 1: raise ValueError('delta must be in [0, 1]') self._delta = delta
[docs] def set_hamiltonian_threshold(self, hamiltonian_threshold): """ Sets threshold difference in Hamiltonian value from one iteration to next which determines whether an iteration is divergent. """ if hamiltonian_threshold < 0: raise ValueError('Threshold for divergent iterations must be ' + 'non-negative.') self._hamiltonian_threshold = hamiltonian_threshold
[docs] def set_hyper_parameters(self, x): """ The hyper-parameter vector is ``[number_adaption_steps]``. See :meth:`TunableMethod.set_hyper_parameters()`. """ self.set_number_adaption_steps(x[0])
[docs] def set_max_tree_depth(self, max_tree_depth): """ Sets the maximum tree depth ``D`` for the algorithm. For each iteration, the number of leapfrog steps will not be greater than ``2^D`` """ if max_tree_depth < 0: raise ValueError('Maximum tree depth must be non-negative.') self._max_tree_depth = max_tree_depth
[docs] def set_number_adaption_steps(self, n): """ Sets number of adaptions steps in the nuts algorithm. This is the number of mcmc steps that are used to determin the best value for epsilon, the scalar magnitude of the leafrog step size. """ if self._running: raise RuntimeError( 'cannot set number of adaption steps while sampler is running') if n < 0: raise ValueError('number of adaption steps must be non-negative') self._num_adaption_steps = int(n)
[docs] def set_use_dense_mass_matrix(self, use_dense_mass_matrix): """ If ``use_dense_mass_matrix`` is False then algorithm uses a diagonal matrix for the mass matrix. If True then a fully dense mass matrix is used. """ self._use_dense_mass_matrix = bool(use_dense_mass_matrix)
[docs] def tell(self, reply): """ See :meth:`pints.SingleChainMCMC.tell()`. """ if not self._ready_for_tell: raise RuntimeError('Tell called before proposal was set.') self._ready_for_tell = False # send log likelihood and gradient to nuts coroutine, # return value is the next theta to evaluate at self._next = self._nuts.send(reply) # coroutine signals end of current step by sending a tuple of # information about the last mcmc step if isinstance(self._next, tuple): # extract next point in chain, its logpdf, the acceptance # probability and the number of leapfrog steps taken during # the last mcmc step self._current = self._next[0] current_logpdf = self._next[1] current_gradient = self._next[2] current_acceptance = self._next[3] current_n_leapfrog = self._next[4] divergent = self._next[5] # Increase iteration count self._mcmc_iteration += 1 # average quantities for logging n_it_since_log = self._mcmc_iteration - self._last_log_write self._mcmc_acceptance = ( (n_it_since_log * self._mcmc_acceptance + current_acceptance) / (n_it_since_log + 1) ) self._n_leapfrog = ( (n_it_since_log * self._n_leapfrog + current_n_leapfrog) / (n_it_since_log + 1) ) # store divergent iterations if divergent: self._divergent = np.append( self._divergent, self._mcmc_iteration) # request next point to evaluate self._next = next(self._nuts) # Return current position as next sample in the chain return ( np.copy(self._current), (current_logpdf, np.copy(current_gradient)), True ) else: # Return None to indicate there is no new sample for the chain return None
[docs] def use_dense_mass_matrix(self): """ Returns if the algorithm uses a dense (True) or diagonal (False) mass matrix. """ return self._use_dense_mass_matrix