Metropolis-Adjusted Langevin Algorithm (MALA) MCMC

class pints.MALAMCMC(x0, sigma0=None)[source]

Metropolis-Adjusted Langevin Algorithm (MALA), an MCMC sampler as described in [1].

This method involves simulating Langevin diffusion such that the solution to the time evolution equation (the Fokker-Planck PDE) is a stationary distribution that equals the target density (in Bayesian problems, the posterior distribution). The stochastic differential equation (SDE) given below ensures that if \(u(\theta, 0) = \pi(\theta)\), then \(\partial u / \partial t = 0\),

\[\mathrm{d}\Theta_t = 1/2 \nabla \; \text{log} \pi(\Theta_t) \mathrm{d}t + \mathrm{d}W_t\]

where \(\pi(\theta)\) is the target density and \(W\) is a standard multivariate Wiener process.

In general, the above SDE cannot be solved exactly and the below first-order Euler discretisation is used instead,

\[\theta^* = \theta_t + \epsilon^2 1/2 \nabla \; \text{log} \pi(\theta_t) + \epsilon z\]

where \(z \sim \mathcal{N}(0, I)\) resulting in a mean \(\mu(\theta^*) = \theta_t + \epsilon^2 1/2 \nabla \; \text{log} \pi(\theta_t)\).

To correct for first-order integration error that is introduced from discretisation, a Metropolis-Hastings acceptance probability is calculated after a step,

\[\alpha = \frac{\pi(\theta^*)q(\theta_t|\theta^*)}{\pi(\theta_t) q(\theta^*|\theta_t)}\]

where \(q(\theta_2|\theta_1) = \mathcal{N}(\theta_2|\mu(\theta_1), \epsilon I)\) and \(\theta^*\) is accepted with probability \(\text{min}(1, \alpha)\).

Here we consider a slight variant of the above method discussed in [1], which is to use a preconditioning matrix \(M\) to allow differing degrees of freedom in each dimension.

\[\theta^* = \theta_t + \epsilon'^2 1/2 \nabla \; \text{log} \pi(\theta_t) + \epsilon' z\]

leading to \(q(\theta_2|\theta_1) = \mathcal{N}(\theta_2|\mu(\theta_1), \epsilon')\).

where \(\epsilon' = \epsilon \sqrt{M}\) is given by the initial value of sigma0.

Extends SingleChainMCMC.



Returns the current (measured) acceptance rate.


See SingleChainMCMC.ask().


Returns epsilon which is the effective step size used in proposals.


For methods that need an initial phase (see needs_initial_phase()), this method returns True if the method is currently configured to be in its initial phase. For other methods a NotImplementedError is returned.


See TunableMethod.n_hyper_parameters().




Returns True if this method needs an initial phase, for example an adaptation-free period for adaptive covariance methods, or a warm-up phase for DREAM.


See pints.MCMCSampler.needs_sensitivities().

replace(current, current_log_pdf, proposed=None)

Replaces the internal current position, current LogPDF, and proposed point (if any) by the user-specified values.

This method can only be used once the initial position and LogPDF have been set (so after at least 1 round of ask-and-tell).

This is an optional method, and some samplers may not support it.


Sets epsilon, which is the effective step size used in proposals. If epsilon not specified, then epsilon = 0.2 * diag(sigma0) will be used.


The hyper-parameter vector is [epsilon].

The effective step size (epsilon) is step_size * scale_vector.

See TunableMethod.set_hyper_parameters().


For methods that need an initial phase (see needs_initial_phase()), this method toggles the initial phase algorithm. For other methods a NotImplementedError is returned.


See pints.SingleChainMCMC.tell().