Source code for pints.toy._toy_classes

# Toy base classes.
# This file is part of PINTS ( which is
# released under the BSD 3-clause license. See accompanying for
# copyright notice and full license details.
import numpy as np
import pints
import scipy

[docs] class ToyLogPDF(pints.LogPDF): """ Abstract base class for toy distributions. Extends :class:`pints.LogPDF`. """
[docs] def distance(self, samples): """ Calculates a measure of distance from ``samples`` to some characteristic of the underlying distribution. """ raise NotImplementedError
[docs] def sample(self, n_samples): """ Generates independent samples from the underlying distribution. """ raise NotImplementedError
[docs] def suggested_bounds(self): """ Returns suggested boundaries for prior. """ raise NotImplementedError
[docs] class ToyModel(object): """ Defines an interface for toy problems. Note that toy models should extend both ``ToyModel`` and one of the forward model classes, e.g. :class:`pints.ForwardModel`. """
[docs] def suggested_parameters(self): """ Returns an NumPy array of the parameter values that are representative of the model. For example, these parameters might reproduce a particular result that the model is famous for. """ raise NotImplementedError
[docs] def suggested_times(self): """ Returns an NumPy array of time points that is representative of the model """ raise NotImplementedError
[docs] class ToyODEModel(ToyModel): """ Defines an interface for toy problems where the underlying model is an ordinary differential equation (ODE) that describes some time-series generating model. Note that toy ODE models should extend both :class:`pints.ToyODEModel` and one of the forward model classes, e.g. :class:`pints.ForwardModel` or :class:`pints.ForwardModelS1`. To use this class as the basis for a :class:`pints.ForwardModel`, the method :meth:`_rhs()` should be reimplemented. Models implementing :meth:`_rhs()`, :meth:`jacobian()` and :meth:`_dfdp()` can be used to create a :class:`pints.ForwardModelS1`. """
[docs] def _dfdp(self, y, t, p): """ Returns the derivative of the ODE RHS at time ``t``, with respect to model parameters ``p``. Parameters ---------- y The state vector at time ``t`` (with length ``n_outputs``). t The time to evaluate at (as a scalar). p A vector of model parameters (of length ``n_parameters``). Returns ------- A matrix of dimensions ``n_outputs`` by ``n_parameters``. """ raise NotImplementedError
[docs] def initial_conditions(self): """ Returns the initial conditions of the model. """ return self._y0
[docs] def jacobian(self, y, t, p): """ Returns the Jacobian (the derivative of the RHS ODE with respect to the outputs) at time ``t``. Parameters ---------- y The state vector at time ``t`` (with length ``n_outputs``). t The time to evaluate at (as a scalar). p A vector of model parameters (of length ``n_parameters``). Returns ------- A matrix of dimensions ``n_outputs`` by ``n_outputs``. """ raise NotImplementedError
[docs] def n_states(self): """ Returns number of states in underlying ODE. Note: will not be same as ``n_outputs()`` for models where only a subset of states are observed. """ return self.n_outputs()
[docs] def _rhs(self, y, t, p): """ Returns the evaluated RHS (``dy/dt``) for a given state vector ``y``, time ``t``, and parameter vector ``p``. Parameters ---------- y The state vector at time ``t`` (with length ``n_outputs``). t The time to evaluate at (as a scalar). p A vector of model parameters (of length ``n_parameters``). Returns ------- A vector of length ``n_outputs``. """ raise NotImplementedError
def _rhs_S1(self, y_and_dydp, t, p): """ Forms the RHS of ODE for numerical integration to obtain both outputs and sensitivities. Parameters ---------- y_and_dydp A combined vector of states (elements ``0`` to ``n_outputs - 1``) and sensitivities (elements ``n_outputs`` onwards). t The time to evaluate at (as a scalar). p A vector of model parameters (of length ``n_parameters``). Returns ------- A vector of length ``n_outputs + n_parameters``. """ # separating initial values of model outputs(y) and sensitivities(dydp) y = y_and_dydp[0:self.n_states()] dydp = y_and_dydp[self.n_states():].reshape((self.n_parameters(), self.n_states())) # calculating the derivatives w.r.t t of the model outputs dydt = self._rhs(y, t, p) # calculating sensitivities d_dydp_dt = ( np.matmul(dydp, np.transpose(self.jacobian(y, t, p))) + np.transpose(self._dfdp(y, t, p))) return np.concatenate((dydt, d_dydp_dt.reshape(-1)))
[docs] def set_initial_conditions(self, y0): """ Sets the initial conditions of the model. """ self._y0 = y0
[docs] def simulate(self, parameters, times): """ See :meth:`pints.ForwardModel.simulate()`. """ return self._simulate(parameters, times, False)
def _simulate(self, parameters, times, sensitivities): """ Private helper function that uses ``scipy.integrate.odeint`` to simulate a model (with or without sensitivities). Parameters ---------- parameters With dimensions ``n_parameters``. times The times at which to calculate the model output / sensitivities. sensitivities If set to ``True`` the function returns the model outputs and sensitivities ``(values, sensitivities)``. If set to ``False`` the function only returns the model outputs ``values``. See :meth:`pints.ForwardModel.simulate()` and :meth:`pints.ForwardModel.simulate_with_sensitivities()` for details. """ times = pints.vector(times) if np.any(times < 0): raise ValueError('Negative times are not allowed.') # Scipy odeint requires the first element in ``times`` to be the # initial point, which ForwardModel says _has to be_ t=0 offset = 0 if len(times) < 1 or times[0] != 0: times = np.concatenate(([0], times)) offset = 1 if sensitivities: n_params = self.n_parameters() n_outputs = self.n_states() y0 = np.zeros(n_params * n_outputs + n_outputs) y0[0:n_outputs] = self._y0 result = scipy.integrate.odeint( self._rhs_S1, y0, times, (parameters,)) values = result[:, 0:n_outputs] dvalues_dp = (result[:, n_outputs:].reshape( (len(times), n_outputs, n_params), order="F")) return values[offset:], dvalues_dp[offset:] else: values = scipy.integrate.odeint( self._rhs, self._y0, times, (parameters,)) return values[offset:, :self.n_outputs()].squeeze()
[docs] def simulateS1(self, parameters, times): """ See :meth:`pints.ForwardModelS1.simulateS1()`. """ values, dvalues_dp = self._simulate(parameters, times, True) n_outputs = self.n_outputs() return values[:, :n_outputs].squeeze(), dvalues_dp[:, :n_outputs, :]