Source code for pints.toy._neals_funnel

# Neal's funnel log pdf.
# This file is part of PINTS ( which is
# released under the BSD 3-clause license. See accompanying for
# copyright notice and full license details.
import numpy as np
import scipy
import scipy.stats

from . import ToyLogPDF

[docs] class NealsFunnelLogPDF(ToyLogPDF): r""" Toy distribution based on a d-dimensional distribution of the form, .. math:: f(x_1, x_2,...,x_d,\nu) = \left[\prod_{i=1}^d\mathcal{N}(x_i|0,e^{\nu/2})\right] \times \mathcal{N}(\nu|0,3) where ``x`` is a d-dimensional real. This distribution was introduced in [1]_. Extends :class:`pints.toy.ToyLogPDF`. Parameters ---------- dimensions : int The dimensionality of funnel (by default equal to 10) which must exceed 1. References ---------- .. [1] "Slice sampling". R. Neal, Annals of statistics, 705 (2003) """ def __init__(self, dimensions=10): if dimensions < 2: raise ValueError('Dimensions must exceed 1.') self._n_parameters = int(dimensions) self._s1 = 9.0 self._s1_inv = 1.0 / self._s1 self._m1 = 0 def __call__(self, x): if len(x) != self._n_parameters: raise ValueError( 'Length of x must be equal number of parameters') nu = x[-1] x_temp = x[:-1] x_log_pdf = [scipy.stats.norm.logpdf(y, 0, np.exp(nu / 2)) for y in x_temp] return np.sum(x_log_pdf) + scipy.stats.norm.logpdf(nu, 0, 3)
[docs] def distance(self, samples): """ See :meth:`pints.toy.ToyLogPDF.distance()`. """ return self.kl_divergence(samples)
[docs] def evaluateS1(self, x): """ See :meth:`LogPDF.evaluateS1()`. """ L = self.__call__(x) nu = x[-1] x_temp = x[:-1] cons = np.exp(-nu) dnu_first = [0.5 * (cons * var**2 - 1) for var in x_temp] dnu = np.sum(dnu_first) - nu / 9.0 dL = [-var * cons for var in x_temp] dL.append(dnu) dL = np.array(dL) return L, dL
[docs] def kl_divergence(self, samples): r""" Calculates the KL divergence of samples of the :math:`nu` parameter of Neal's funnel from the analytic :math:`\mathcal{N}(0, 3)` result. """ # Check size of input if not len(samples.shape) == 2: raise ValueError('Given samples list must be n x 2.') if samples.shape[1] != self._n_parameters: raise ValueError( 'Given samples must have length ' + str(self._n_parameters)) nu = samples[:, self._n_parameters - 1] m0 = np.mean(nu) s0 = np.var(nu) return 0.5 * (np.sum(self._s1_inv * s0) + (self._m1 - m0) * self._s1_inv * (self._m1 - m0) - np.log(s0) + np.log(self._s1) - 1)
[docs] def marginal_log_pdf(self, x, nu): r""" Yields the marginal density :math:`\text{log } p(x_i,\nu)`. """ return ( scipy.stats.norm.logpdf(x, 0, np.exp(nu / 2)) + scipy.stats.norm.logpdf(nu, 0, 3) )
[docs] def mean(self): """ Returns the mean of the target distribution in each dimension. """ return np.zeros(self._n_parameters)
[docs] def n_parameters(self): """ See :meth:`pints.LogPDF.n_parameters()`. """ return self._n_parameters
[docs] def sample(self, n_samples): """ See :meth:`pints.toy.ToyLogPDF.sample()`. """ n = self._n_parameters samples = np.zeros((n_samples, n)) for i in range(n_samples): nu = np.random.normal(0, 3, 1)[0] sd = np.exp(nu / 2) x = np.random.normal(0, sd, n - 1) samples[i, 0:(n - 1)] = x samples[i, n - 1] = nu return samples
[docs] def suggested_bounds(self): """ See :meth:`pints.toy.ToyLogPDF.suggested_bounds()`. """ magnitude = 30 bounds = np.tile([-magnitude, magnitude], (self._n_parameters, 1)) return np.transpose(bounds).tolist()
[docs] def var(self): """ Returns the variance of the target distribution in each dimension. Note :math:`nu` is the last entry. """ return np.concatenate((np.repeat(90, self._n_parameters - 1), [9]))