Source code for pints.plot._surface

# Plots a function defined on a two-dimensional space.
# This file is part of PINTS ( which is
# released under the BSD 3-clause license. See accompanying for
# copyright notice and full license details.
# This ``surface`` method was adapted from Myokit (see by
# its original author.
# The code to plot voronoi regions was based on an example shown here:
import numpy as np

import pints

[docs] def surface(points, values, boundaries=None, markers='+', figsize=None): """ Takes irregularly spaced points and function evaluations in a two-dimensional parameter space and creates a coloured surface plot using a voronoi diagram. Returns a ``matplotlib`` figure object and axes handle. Parameters ---------- points A list of (two-dimensional) points in parameter space. values The values (e.g. error measure evaluations) corresponding to these points. boundaries An optional :class:`pints.RectangularBoundaries` object to restrict the area shown. If set to ``None`` boundaries will be determined from the given ``points``. markers An optional string indicating the matplotlib markers to use to plot the ``points``. Set to ``None`` to hide. figsize An optional tuple ``(width, height)`` that will be passed to matplotlib when creating the figure. If set to ``None`` matplotlib will use its default figure size. """ import matplotlib.pyplot as plt from matplotlib.collections import PolyCollection # Check points and values points = pints.matrix2d(points) n, d = points.shape if d != 2: raise ValueError('Only two-dimensional parameters are supported.') values = pints.vector(values) if len(values) != n: raise ValueError( 'The number of values must match the number of points.') # Extract x and y points x = points[:, 0] y = points[:, 1] del points # Check boundaries if boundaries is None: xmin, xmax = np.min(x), np.max(x) r = 0.1 * (xmax - xmin) xmin -= r xmax += r ymin, ymax = np.min(y), np.max(y) r = 0.1 * (ymax - ymin) ymin -= r ymax += r else: if boundaries.n_parameters() != 2: raise ValueError('The boundaries must be two-dimensional.') xmin, ymin = boundaries.lower() xmax, ymax = boundaries.upper() # Get voronoi regions (and filter points and evaluations) xlim = xmin, xmax ylim = ymin, ymax x, y, values, regions = _voronoi_regions(x, y, values, xlim, ylim) # Create figure and axes figure, axes = plt.subplots(figsize=figsize) axes.set_xlim(xmin, xmax) axes.set_ylim(ymin, ymax) # Add coloured voronoi regions c = PolyCollection( regions, array=values, edgecolors='none', cmap='viridis_r') axes.add_collection(c) # Add markers if markers: axes.plot(x, y, markers, color='#ffffff', alpha=0.75) # Add colorbar figure.colorbar(c, ax=axes) return figure, axes
def _voronoi_regions(x, y, f, xlim, ylim): """ Takes a set of ``(x, y, f)`` points and returns the edgepoints of the voronoi region around each point within the boundaries specified by ``xlim`` and ``ylim``. The actual voronoi diagram is constructed by ``scipy.spatial.Voronoi``. This method builds on the regions generated by scipy and truncates them to a rectangular area. Voronoi regions entirely outside of the bounds are removed, and a version of ``x``, ``y``, and ``f`` with these points filtered out is also created and returned. Parameters ---------- x A list of x-coorindates. y A list of y-coordinates. f The score function at the given x and y coordinates. xlim Lower and upper bound for the x coordinates. ylim Lower and upper bound for the y coordinates. Returns ------- A tuple ``(x, y, f, regions)`` where ``x``, ``y`` and ``f`` are the coordinates of the accepted points and each ``regions[i]`` is a list of the vertices making up the voronoi region for point ``(x[i], y[i])`` with score ``f[i]``. """ from scipy.spatial import Voronoi # Don't check x, y, f: handled by calling method n = len(x) # Check limits xmin, xmax = [float(a) for a in sorted(xlim)] ymin, ymax = [float(a) for a in sorted(ylim)] # Drop any points outside the bounds # within_bounds = (x >= xmin) & (x <= xmax) & (y >= ymin) & (y <= ymax) # x = x[within_bounds] # y = y[within_bounds] # f = f[within_bounds] # Create voronoi diagram vor = Voronoi(np.array([x, y]).transpose()) # The voronoi diagram consists of a number of ridges drawn between a set # of points. # # points Are the points the diagram is based on. # vertices The coordinates of the vertices connecting the ridges # ridge_points Is a list of tuples (p1, p2) defining the points each # ridge belongs to. Points are given as their index in # the list of points. # ridge_vertices Is a list of vertices (v1, v2) defining the vertices # between which each ridge is drawn. Vertices are given # as their index in the list of vertice coordinates. For # ridges extending to infinity, one of the vertices will # be given as -1. # # Get the center of the voronoi diagram's points and define a radius that # will bring us outside the visible area for any starting point / direction # center = vor.points.mean(axis=0) radius2 = 2 * np.sqrt((xmax - xmin)**2 + (ymax - ymin)**2) # Create a list containing the set of vertices defining each region regions = [set() for i in range(n)] for (p1, p2), (v1, v2) in zip(vor.ridge_points, vor.ridge_vertices): # Order the edges: if one of the edges extends to infinity, the value # v1/v2 will be -1. By ordering here we ensure that only v1 can ever be # negative, so we don't need to check for v2 < 0 in the code below. v1, v2 = (v2, v1) if v1 > v2 else (v1, v2) # Get vertice coordinates x2 = vor.vertices[v2] # Only v1 can be -1 if v1 >= 0: # Finite vertex: use as is x1 = vor.vertices[v1] else: # Replacement vertex needed # Tangent line to points involved y1, y2 = vor.points[p1], vor.points[p2] t = y2 - y1 t /= np.linalg.norm(t) # Normal line q = np.array([-t[1], t[0]]) # Midpoint between involved points midpoint = np.mean([y1, y2], axis=0) # Point beyond the outer boundary x1 = x2 + np.sign( - center, q)) * q * radius2 # Add vertice coordinates to both region coordinate lists x1, x2 = tuple(x1), tuple(x2) # arrays and lists aren't hashable regions[p1].update((x1, x2)) regions[p2].update((x1, x2)) # Order vertices in regions counter clockwise, truncate the regions at the # border, and remove regions outside of the bounds. selection = [] for k, region in enumerate(regions): # Regions can be empty if points appear more than once if len(region) == 0: continue # Convert set of tuples to 2d array region = np.asarray([np.asarray(v) for v in region]) # Filter out any regions lying entirely outside the bounds xmn = region[:, 0] < xmin xmx = region[:, 0] > xmax ymn = region[:, 1] < ymin ymx = region[:, 1] > ymax if np.all(xmn | xmx) and np.all(ymn | ymx): continue # Sort vertices counter clockwise p = vor.points[k] angles = np.arctan2(region[:, 1] - p[1], region[:, 0] - p[0]) regions[k] = region[np.argsort(angles)] # Region fully contained? Then keep in selection and continue if not (np.any(xmn) or np.any(xmx) or np.any(ymn) or np.any(ymx)): selection.append(k) continue # Region needs truncating # Drop points outside of boundary and replace by 0, 1 or 2 new points # on the actual boundaries. # Run twice: once for x violations, once for y violations (two # successive corrections may be needed, to solve corner issues). new_region = [] for j, p in enumerate(region): if p[0] < xmin: q = region[j - 1] if j > 0 else region[-1] r = region[j + 1] if j < len(region) - 1 else region[0] if q[0] < xmin and r[0] < xmin: # Point connecting two outsiders: drop continue if q[0] >= xmin: # Add point on line p-q s = p[1] + (xmin - p[0]) * (q[1] - p[1]) / (q[0] - p[0]) new_region.append(np.array([xmin, s])) if r[0] >= xmin: # Add point on line p-r s = p[1] + (xmin - p[0]) * (r[1] - p[1]) / (r[0] - p[0]) new_region.append(np.array([xmin, s])) elif p[0] > xmax: q = region[j - 1] if j > 0 else region[-1] r = region[j + 1] if j < len(region) - 1 else region[0] if q[0] > xmax and r[0] > xmax: # Point connecting two outsiders: drop continue if q[0] <= xmax: # Add point on line p-q s = p[1] + (xmax - p[0]) * (q[1] - p[1]) / (q[0] - p[0]) new_region.append(np.array([xmax, s])) if r[0] <= xmax: # Add point on line p-r s = p[1] + (xmax - p[0]) * (r[1] - p[1]) / (r[0] - p[0]) new_region.append(np.array([xmax, s])) else: # Point is fine, just add new_region.append(p) region = new_region # Run again for y-violations new_region = [] for j, p in enumerate(region): if p[1] < ymin: q = region[j - 1] if j > 0 else region[-1] r = region[j + 1] if j < len(region) - 1 else region[0] if q[1] < ymin and r[1] < ymin: # Point connecting two outsiders: drop continue if q[1] >= ymin: # Add point on line p-q s = p[0] + (ymin - p[1]) * (q[0] - p[0]) / (q[1] - p[1]) new_region.append(np.array([s, ymin])) if r[1] >= ymin: # Add point on line p-r s = p[0] + (ymin - p[1]) * (r[0] - p[0]) / (r[1] - p[1]) new_region.append(np.array([s, ymin])) elif p[1] > ymax: q = region[j - 1] if j > 0 else region[-1] r = region[j + 1] if j < len(region) - 1 else region[0] if q[1] > ymax and r[1] > ymax: # Point connecting two outsiders: drop continue if q[1] <= ymax: # Add point on line p-q s = p[0] + (ymax - p[1]) * (q[0] - p[0]) / (q[1] - p[1]) new_region.append(np.array([s, ymax])) if r[1] <= ymax: # Add point on line p-r s = p[0] + (ymax - p[1]) * (r[0] - p[0]) / (r[1] - p[1]) new_region.append(np.array([s, ymax])) else: # Point is fine, just add new_region.append(p) region = new_region # Store regions that are still OK if len(region) > 2: selection.append(k) # Filter out bad regions regions = np.array(regions, dtype=object) regions = regions[selection] x = x[selection] y = y[selection] f = f[selection] # Return output # Note: Regions is transformed back to a list, which fixes an issue with # matplotlib 3.3.0 (which does not expect "ragged" ndarrays made of # objects). return x, y, f, regions.tolist()