Source code for pints._mcmc._differential_evolution

# Differential evolution MCMC
# This file is part of PINTS ( which is
# released under the BSD 3-clause license. See accompanying for
# copyright notice and full license details.
import pints
import numpy as np
import warnings

[docs] class DifferentialEvolutionMCMC(pints.MultiChainMCMC): r""" Uses differential evolution MCMC as described in [1]_ to perform posterior sampling from the posterior. In each step of the algorithm ``n`` chains are evolved using the evolution equation:: x_proposed = x[i,r] + gamma * (X[i,r1] - x[i,r2]) + epsilon where ``r1`` and ``r2`` are random chain indices chosen (without replacement) from the ``n`` available chains, which must not equal ``i`` or each other, where ``i`` indicates the current time step, and ``epsilon ~ N(0,b)`` where ``d`` is the dimensionality of the parameter vector. If ``x_proposed / x[i,r] > u ~ U(0,1)``, then ``x[i+1,r] = x_proposed``; otherwise, ``x[i+1,r] = x[i]``. Extends :class:`MultiChainMCMC`. .. note:: This sampler requires a number of chains :math:`n \ge 3`, and recommends :math:`n \ge 1.5 d`. References ---------- .. [1] "A Markov Chain Monte Carlo version of the genetic algorithm Differential Evolution: easy Bayesian computing for real parameter spaces". Cajo J. F. Ter Braak (2006) Statistical Computing """ def __init__(self, chains, x0, sigma0=None): super(DifferentialEvolutionMCMC, self).__init__(chains, x0, sigma0) # Need at least 3 chains if self._n_chains < 3: raise ValueError('Need at least 3 chains.') # Warn user against using too few chains if self._n_chains < 1.5 * self._n_parameters: warnings.warn('This method should be run with n_chains >= ' '1.5 * n_parameters') # Set initial state self._running = False # Current points and proposed points self._current = None self._current_log_pdfs = None self._proposed = None # # Default settings # # Gamma self._gamma = 2.38 / np.sqrt(2 * self._n_parameters) # Gamma switch to 1 every (below) steps to help find # modes self._gamma_switch_rate = 10 # Error scale width self._b = 0.001 # Mean used for scaling error process self._mu = np.mean(self._x0, axis=0) # Gaussian error vs uniform self._gaussian_error = True # Relative scaling self._relative_scaling = True
[docs] def ask(self): """ See :meth:`pints.MultiChainMCMC.ask()`. """ # Initialise on first call if not self._running: self._initialise() # Propose new points if self._proposed is None: # set gamma to 1 if self._iter_count % self._gamma_switch_rate == 0: self._gamma = 1 self._iter_count += 1 self._proposed = np.zeros(self._current.shape) for j in range(self._n_chains): if self._gaussian_error: error = np.random.normal(0, self._b_star, self._mu.shape) else: error = np.random.uniform(-self._b_star, self._b_star, self._mu.shape) r1, r2 = self._r_draw(j, self._n_chains) self._proposed[j] = ( self._current[j] + self._gamma * (self._current[r1] - self._current[r2]) + error ) # reset gamma self._gamma = 2.38 / np.sqrt(2 * self._n_parameters) # Set as read only self._proposed.setflags(write=False) # Return proposed points return self._proposed
[docs] def gamma(self): """ Returns the coefficient ``gamma`` used in updating the position of each chain. """ return self._gamma
[docs] def gamma_switch_rate(self): """ Returns the number of steps between iterations where gamma is set to 1 (then reset immediately afterwards). """ return self._gamma_switch_rate
[docs] def gaussian_error(self): """ Returns whether a Gaussian versus uniform error process is used. """ return self._gaussian_error
def _initialise(self): """ Initialises the routine before the first iteration. """ if self._running: raise RuntimeError('Already initialised.') # Propose x0 as first points self._current = None self._current_log_pdfs = None self._proposed = self._x0 self._proposed.setflags(write=False) # Set mu # TODO: Should this be a user setting? self._mu = np.mean(self._x0, axis=0) # Use relative or absolute scaling of error process if self._relative_scaling: self._b_star = np.abs(self._mu * self._b) else: self._b_star = np.repeat(self._b, self._n_parameters) # Gamma set to 1 counter self._iter_count = 0 # Update sampler state self._running = True
[docs] def n_hyper_parameters(self): """ See :meth:`TunableMethod.n_hyper_parameters()`. """ return 5
[docs] def name(self): """ See :meth:``. """ return 'Differential Evolution MCMC'
def _r_draw(self, i, num_chains): """ Chooses two chain indexes uniformly at random such that they are not the same nor do they equal `i`. """ indexes = list(range(num_chains)) indexes.pop(i) r1, r2 = np.random.choice(indexes, 2, replace=False) return r1, r2
[docs] def relative_scaling(self): """ Returns whether an error process whose standard deviation scales relatively is used (False indicates absolute scale). """ return self._relative_scaling
[docs] def scale_coefficient(self): """ Sets the scale coefficient ``b`` of the error process used in updating the position of each chain. """ return self._b
[docs] def set_gamma(self, gamma): """ Sets the coefficient ``gamma`` used in updating the position of each chain. """ gamma = float(gamma) if gamma < 0: raise ValueError('Gamma must be non-negative.') self._gamma = gamma
[docs] def set_gamma_switch_rate(self, gamma_switch_rate): """ Sets the number of steps between iterations where gamma is set to 1 (then reset immediately afterwards). """ if gamma_switch_rate < 1: raise ValueError('The interval number of steps between ' + ' gamma=1 iterations must equal or exceed 1.') if not isinstance(gamma_switch_rate, int): raise ValueError('The interval number of steps between ' + ' gamma=1 iterations must be an integer.') self._gamma_switch_rate = gamma_switch_rate
[docs] def set_gaussian_error(self, gaussian_error): """ If ``True`` sets the error process to be a gaussian error, ``N(0, b*)``; if ``False``, it uses a uniform error ``U(-b*, b*)``; where ``b* = b`` if absolute scaling used and ``b* = mu * b`` if relative scaling is used instead. """ gaussian_error = bool(gaussian_error) self._gaussian_error = gaussian_error
[docs] def set_hyper_parameters(self, x): """ The hyper-parameter vector is ``[gamma, gaussian_scale_coefficient, gamma_switch_rate, gaussian_error, relative_scaling]``. See :meth:`TunableMethod.set_hyper_parameters()`. """ self.set_gamma(x[0]) self.set_scale_coefficient(x[1]) try: int_x2 = int(x[2]) except (ValueError, TypeError): raise ValueError('The interval number of steps between ' + 'gamma=1 iterations must be convertable ' + 'to an integer.') self.set_gamma_switch_rate(int_x2) self.set_gaussian_error(x[3]) self.set_relative_scaling(x[4])
[docs] def set_relative_scaling(self, relative_scaling): """ Sets whether to use an error process whose standard deviation scales relatively (``scale = self._mu * self_b``) or absolutely (``scale = self._b`` in all dimensions). """ relative_scaling = bool(relative_scaling) self._relative_scaling = relative_scaling if self._relative_scaling: self._b_star = self._mu * self._b else: self._b_star = np.repeat(self._b, self._n_parameters)
[docs] def set_scale_coefficient(self, b): """ Sets the scale coefficient ``b`` of the error process used in updating the position of each chain. """ b = float(b) if b < 0: raise ValueError('Scale coefficient must be non-negative.') self._b = b
[docs] def tell(self, proposed_log_pdfs): """ See :meth:`pints.MultiChainMCMC.tell()`. """ # Check if we had a proposal if self._proposed is None: raise RuntimeError('Tell called before proposal was set.') # Ensure proposed_log_pdfs are numpy array proposed_log_pdfs = np.array(proposed_log_pdfs) # First points? if self._current is None: if not np.all(np.isfinite(proposed_log_pdfs)): raise ValueError( 'Initial points for MCMC must have finite logpdf.') # Accept self._current = self._proposed self._current_log_pdfs = proposed_log_pdfs self._current_log_pdfs.setflags(write=False) # Clear proposal self._proposed = None # Return first samples for chains accepted = np.array([True] * self._n_chains) return self._current, self._current_log_pdfs, accepted # Perform iteration next = np.array(self._current, copy=True) next_log_pdfs = np.array(self._current_log_pdfs, copy=True) # Sample uniform numbers u = np.log(np.random.uniform(size=self._n_chains)) # Get chains to be updated i = u < (proposed_log_pdfs - self._current_log_pdfs) # Update next[i] = self._proposed[i] next_log_pdfs[i] = proposed_log_pdfs[i] self._current = next self._current_log_pdfs = next_log_pdfs self._current.setflags(write=False) self._current_log_pdfs.setflags(write=False) # Clear proposal self._proposed = None # Return samples to add to chains return self._current, self._current_log_pdfs, i