Source code for pints._abc._abc_smc

# ABC SMC method
# This file is part of PINTS ( which is
# released under the BSD 3-clause license. See accompanying for
# copyright notice and full license details.
import pints
import numpy as np

[docs] class ABCSMC(pints.ABCSampler): r""" Implements the ABC-SMC algorithm as described in [1]. This algorithm is also referred to as ABC Population Monte Carlo (ABC PMC) [2]. In this algorithm there are going to be several rounds of ABC, each with a different proposal distribution. For each round, we try to obtain ``nr_samples`` samples at once. In order to transition between each set of ``nr_samples``, we have intermediate distributions :math:`p_t(\theta)` from which we sample the candidates for the new distribution. In particular, :math:`p_0(\theta)` is the prior and for :math:`t>0` :math:`p_t(\theta)` proposes sample :math:`\theta^{t-1}_i` with weight :math:`\w^{t-1}_i` (which is computed at the end of the iteration). In particular, at each iteration of the algorithm the following steps occur: .. math:: \begin{align} & \theta^* \sim p_{t-1}(\theta) \textrm{, i.e. sample parameters from previous intermediate distribution} \\ & \theta^{**} \sim K(\theta|\theta^{*}), \textrm{i.e. perturb } \theta^{*} \textrm{ to obtain to new point } x \sim p(x|\theta^{**})\textrm{, i.e. sample data from sampling distribution} \\ & \textrm{if } s(x) < \textrm{threshold}_(t), \theta^* \textrm{ add to list of samples[t]} \end{align} After we have obtained ``nr_samples`` samples, ``t`` is advanced, and weights are calculated for ``samples[t-1]``. At the last error threshold, samples are returned whenever they are accepted. Parameters ---------- log_prior A ``pints.LogPrior`` that specifies the logarithmic prior for the set of parameters that will be sampled. perturbation_kernel A ``pints.LogPrior`` used for perturbing the particles sampled from the previous generation. By default a multivariate Gaussian distribution is used with mean I and 0.001 * I as covariance. nr_samples The number of samples requested for intermediate distributions. error_schedule The schedule of error threshold distance for all distributions. References ---------- .. [1] Toni, Welch, Strelkowa, Ipsem, Stumpf. Approximate Bayesian computation scheme for parameter inference and model selection in dynamical systems. Journal of the Royal Society Interface, 6.31: 187-202, 2009. .. [2] Beaumont, Cornuet, Marin, Robert. Adaptive approximate Bayesian computation. Biometrika, 96.4: 983-990, 2009. """ def __init__(self, log_prior, perturbation_kernel=None, nr_samples=100, error_schedule=[1]): # Log prior self._log_prior = log_prior # Default value for error threshold schedule self._e_schedule = error_schedule # Default value for current threshold self._threshold = error_schedule[0] # Size of intermediate distributions self._nr_samples = nr_samples # Set up for first iteration self._samples = [[], []] self._accepted_count = 0 self._weights = [] self._xs = None self._ready_for_tell = False self._t = 0 self._to_print = True # Setting the perturbation kernel if perturbation_kernel is None: dim = log_prior.n_parameters() self._perturbation_kernel = pints.MultivariateGaussianLogPrior( np.zeros(dim), 0.001 * np.identity(dim)) elif isinstance(perturbation_kernel, pints.LogPrior): self._perturbation_kernel = perturbation_kernel else: raise ValueError('Provided perturbation kernel must be an instance' ' of pints.LogPrior')
[docs] def name(self): """ See :meth:``. """ return 'ABC-SMC'
[docs] def ask(self, n_samples): """ See :meth:`ABCSampler.ask()`. """ if self._ready_for_tell: raise RuntimeError('ask called before tell.') if self._t == 0: if self._to_print: self._to_print = False print( "Starting t=" + str(self._t) + ", with threshold=" + str(self._threshold)) self._xs = self._log_prior.sample(n_samples) else: self._xs = [None] * n_samples i = 0 while i < n_samples: theta_s_s = None while (theta_s_s is None or self._log_prior(theta_s_s) == -np.inf): indices = np.random.choice( range(len(self._samples[(self._t - 1) % 2])), p=self._weights[self._t - 1]) theta_s = self._samples[(self._t - 1) % 2][indices] # perturb using K_t theta_s_s = np.add(theta_s, self._perturbation_kernel.sample(1)[0]) # check if theta_s_s is possible under the prior # sample again if not self._xs[i] = theta_s_s i = i + 1 self._ready_for_tell = True intermediate = np.array(self._xs, copy=True) # Set as read-only so that it cannot be corrupted intermediate.setflags(write=False) return intermediate
[docs] def tell(self, fx): """ See :meth:`ABCSampler.tell()`. """ if not self._ready_for_tell: raise RuntimeError('tell called before ask.') self._ready_for_tell = False fx = np.asarray(fx) accepted = fx < self._threshold if np.any(accepted) > 0: if self._t < len(self._e_schedule) - 1: self._accepted_count += sum(accepted) self._samples[self._t % 2].extend( [self._xs[c].tolist() for c, x in enumerate(accepted) if x] ) if self._accepted_count >= self._nr_samples: self._advance_time() return [self._xs[c].tolist() for c, x in enumerate(accepted) if x] return None
def _advance_time(self): t = self._t if t == 0: self._weights.append( np.full(self._accepted_count, 1 / self._accepted_count)) else: unnorm_weights = self._calculate_weights( self._samples[self._t % 2], self._samples[(self._t - 1) % 2], self._weights[t - 1]) # Normalise weights normal = sum(unnorm_weights) self._weights.append([w / normal for w in unnorm_weights]) self._samples[(t + 1) % 2] = [] self._accepted_count = 0 self._t += 1 self._threshold = self._e_schedule[self._t] print( "Starting t=" + str(self._t) + ", with threshold=" + str(self._threshold)) def _calculate_weights(self, new_samples, old_samples, old_weights): new_weights = [] for i in range(0, self._accepted_count): prior_prob = np.exp(self._log_prior(new_samples[i])) mw = [old_weights[j] * np.exp(self._perturbation_kernel( np.subtract(new_samples[i], old_samples[j]))) for j in range(len(old_samples))] w = prior_prob / sum(mw) new_weights.append(w) return new_weights
[docs] def set_perturbation_kernel(self, perturbation_kernel): """ Sets the perturbation kernel used for perturbing particles that are sampled from the previous generations. It must implement the ``pints.LogPrior`` class. """ if not isinstance(perturbation_kernel, pints.LogPrior): raise ValueError('Perturbation kernel must implement ', 'pints.LogPrior.') self._perturbation_kernel = perturbation_kernel
[docs] def set_threshold_schedule(self, schedule): """ Sets a schedule for the threshold error distance that determines if a sample is accepted (if error < threshold). Schedule should be a list of float values. """ e_schedule = np.array(schedule) if any(e_schedule <= 0): raise ValueError('All threshold values must be positive.') self._e_schedule = e_schedule self._threshold = self._e_schedule[self._t]
[docs] def set_intermediate_size(self, n): """ Sets the size of the intermediate distributions, after we find n acceptable samples then we will progress to the next threshold values in the schedule. """ self._nr_samples = n